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Comprehensive Plan Public School Facilities Element <br />Residential Development Activity <br />While building permit data provide an indication of future growth, development review <br />activity also serves as a growth indicator. Consequently, development review information, <br />including the number of new residential housing units under review by Indian River County <br />and municipal planning departments in Indian River County, was collected. This information <br />can assist the local governments and School District in anticipating the demand for public <br />schools. <br />Figure 12.1 depicts the location and intensity of approved and potential new residential <br />development. This information was obtained from the County and municipalities. For <br />analysis, these data were incorporated into a GIS dataset. In Figure 12. 1, new residential <br />development is thematically symbolized by the number of approved housing units. The <br />darker shaded areas identify developments with a higher number of housing units, while the <br />lighter shaded portions indicate developments with a lower number of housing units. <br />According to these data, approximately 26,637 housing units are under construction or in the <br />development review process. Generally, it is expected that those areas with an increase in <br />proposed new residential developments will experience a higher demand for new schools. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />5 <br />