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Comprehensive Plan Public School Facilities Element <br />Overall, tT-here are two alternatives for establishing SSABs. One alternative is to <br />establish a district -wide SSAB for each school type. This method calculates the district - <br />wide utilization of all schools of the same school type. For example, the district -wide <br />utilization for theall elementary schools in school year 2007/08, as identified in Table <br />12.8, is 965%. This rate i-swas calculated by dividing; district -wide enrollment for all <br />ublic '- -R-,rage-^f *'' *'�' *'opt �� *�, elementary schools b / <br />district -wide capacity for all public elementary schools. By measuring capacity in this <br />manner, the School District is currently operating at a level of service lower than 100%, <br />even though six individual schools are operating at a level of service greater than 100%. <br />This alternative would allow development to continue without mitigation wherveven <br />though there may be is --no capacity at the elementary school leveliacted by a new <br />development project, because capacity is available on a district -wide basis. <br />The other alternative is to establish less than district -wide SSABs. With this alternative, <br />SSA -Bs Beare established using geographic areas based on streets, natural <br />boundaries or existing school attendance zones. Less than district -wide SSA -Bs allow <br />school capacity determinations to be made at a local level. By using-aWith school <br />attendance zones €ertheas SSABs, capacity determinations directly measure the impacts <br />of residential developments at the schools; which the developments will impact. Using <br />school attendance zones as the service areas, the School District can more accurately <br />project which schools are most likely to be impacted by new residential development. In <br />conjunction with the School District and the municipalities of the County, Indian River <br />County has determined that the SSA -Bs will be applied en a less than district -wide -basis. <br />Figures 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 detail the school service area boundaries for the elementary, <br />middle, and high school grade levels, respectively. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />23 <br />