ORDINANCE 2006- 025_
<br />will be made up by aequisitien Of'land fr-ofn the p „;eet Identify
<br />at the time of development project application submittal, any site -
<br />related project right-of-way needs.
<br />C. Dedicate all minor (local) road and site related right-of-way to the
<br />county without compensation prior to issuance of a land
<br />development permit for preliminary plats and prior to site plan
<br />release for site plan proiects. For minor (local) roads only, the
<br />Public Works Director or his designee may accept drainage and
<br />utility easements in lieu of right-of-wav to make up for small
<br />right-of-way deficiencies up to ten (10) feet. In such
<br />circumstances, the Public Work Director or his designee may also
<br />require public sidewalk easements.
<br />2. County staff shall confirm all right-of-way deficiencies during
<br />preliminary plat and site plan review.
<br />2-.3. Appfiean4s for- e`ts leeate.l o..roadways where 6& of . y de fiGie
<br />exist shall bring the —ch ztt'm�rv^c/1 v ^.., .... ..ter- , .. »e..».l right of :y
<br />up- to le a 1 () read standards as defined in the —tr-a c—eirctilcc�26n
<br />element. Said dediemiens are deemed site related and neeessary to setwe the
<br />proposed developmenA itself and shall not be er-editable for- eempensation.
<br />The public works director may reduce the amount of right-of-way
<br />required to be dedicated by a proiect applicant if a roadway design
<br />requiring less right-of-way is planned.
<br />(b) Dedieation ef ther-eugh)�we plan read i,�& ef way. Any applieant for- appr-eval of
<br />pr-ojeet abutting a feadway designated on the eounty thoroughfare plan fliap v�
<br />the roadway has a read fight of way defieieney shall sell te the eeunty suffieiefit !a
<br />to-riaketip —his -share vf the read right e€-`eeded—€ei�ivi-si-to r-elat al
<br />eats. Th applieantall r-eeeive,thfeagh t,..,ff; inipaet fee ,.edits
<br />,l t' 1 density transfers, or -.l; et pa�ane„tc „here the e0unty „h., e to pay
<br />eash or-anyeemh .,t' or -other- aeoe,,table fneansof e e etio a h,,,,d i
<br />(100) per-eent . s do for- thevalue of the e,,.+. eyel.-.pe ,,.lit;.,,, of the 1.,,. 7
<br />area dediemed for- read right -e=' „h•,.h e eeas any area needed to bring the
<br />right of way up to eounty leeal (minor-) road standards. Whefe the eounty is to
<br />pufohase land for- futufe r -i& ef way, the eeUnty shall eempensate the pr-epeA
<br />„ based open developed eendifie " of cher land. This eempensation sh.,11
<br />be agreed upen prior- to pr-ejeet approval, and the pur-ehase shall . . te
<br />1 Ex ntien�
<br />a. Wher-e one hundred (100) per-eei# raefnpensa4ien eannet be provide
<br />tlfough tr-affieepa^et er-edit and aentit-tfans=efs, and w' -here the
<br />c—eheeses not to pay eash, the appliea-PA shall ,le,l•e to
<br />amou-Pt of land eempar-„ ble in value to the peree„t of eompeasation
<br />pr-ov;.le.l ,,.1 the ., „1;.,.,,,t shall be eneeti age.7 t., sethaek the h.,lanee
<br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance
<br />Strife th,.ough: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance
<br />FACommunity Development\Users\CurDev\ORDINANCE\2006\2006- 952.08 row reguirements.RTF
<br />