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Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element <br />with the alternatives described above. The travel demand model indicates that around 700 peak <br />hour directional trips would be assigned from other north -south roadways to the new 66th <br />Avenue corridor north of Oslo Road. In the current MPO LRTP, however, the 66th Avenue <br />corridor does not exist. Since major projects require substantial cost and feasibility analysis <br />prior to formal adoption, the 66th Avenue 4 laning project cannot be incorporated into the <br />comprehensive plan at this time, but may be incorporated into a future comprehensive plan <br />update upon completion of further study. <br />Transit Alternatives <br />With respect to transit, the Indian River County MPO modeled expanded transit service on the <br />43rd Avenue Corridor as part of the recently completed five-year Transit Development Plan — <br />Major Update. According to consultant estimates, expanded transit service on 43rd Avenue <br />operating at the system standard one-hour headways would result in 10,843 riders/year. On a <br />peak -hour basis, this would translate into approximately 1,000 riders. Divided out over 250 <br />annual service days, the impact of expanded service on the 43rd Avenue corridor equals <br />approximately 4 peak hour trips. Even if the route were operated at one-half hour headways, the <br />TDP analysis indicates that the route would not carry nearly enough riders to mitigate sufficient <br />trips to maintain level of service "D" on 43rd Avenue. <br />Level of Service Alternatives <br />Given the absence of a viable roadway or transit alternative in the 43rd Avenue/27th Avenue <br />corridor, the only option available to the county is consideration of an alternative level of service <br />standard In order to implement a standard that maintains maximum volumes and threshold <br />capacities, a Level of Service "E" plus 20% must be established as the minimum acceptable <br />level of service standard for the following roadways: <br />• 27th Avenue — South County Line to SR 60 <br />• 43rd Avenue — Oslo Road to 16th Street <br />Establishment of Level of Service `B" plus 20%, when applied in conjunction with the three- <br />laning of the above facilities, will enable the maintenance of minimum volumes and threshold <br />capacities until alternative transportation projects (such as the 66th Avenue corridor) can be <br />explored and incorporated into future plans. The minimum capacity established under the "E <br />plus 20%" alternative is 1,020 peak hour directional trips for a two lane facility. This capacity is <br />adequate for the 921 trips anticipated on this facility in the near future. As three -lane facilities, <br />43rd and 27th Avenues will have a peak hour directional capacity of 1071 trips under "E plus <br />20%", which will provide ample capacity for new projects in the short term. <br />Existing Roadway Deficiencies <br />• Level of Service <br />Community Development Department <br />Indian River County 15 <br />