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E. Service Availability Charge. The service availability charge, formerly known as "base <br />facilities charge" is the charge imposed by the county for each equivalent residential unit that <br />represents a portion of the cost to the county of having the system available to serve that <br />equivalent residential unit without regard to volume used. <br />F. Impact fee. An impact fee, formerly known as a "capacity charge" is the fee charged <br />to real property owners to fund the capital cost incurred by the County wate-r�d wastewater <br />+-y-to provide capacity to serve new utility customers. <br />SECTION 4. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 201.01 of the Code of Indian River County. <br />After the effective date of this Ordinance, the following subsections of Section 201.01 <br />of the Code are created to read as follows: <br />I. Base Bill means a bill that consists of service availability charges (formerly known as <br />base facility chargesl; billing charges, fees in lieu of franchise fees [also known as franchise <br />surcharges], and, where applicable, municipal franchise fees and other municipal fees and <br />taxes. The term "base bill" does not include volumemetric consumption charges for either <br />water or sewer that appear on many of the bills sent by the Department. <br />J. Savings Provision. Nothing in this chapter 201 of the Code shall abrogate the <br />obligation of any customer or developer to pay base facility charges now known as service <br />availability charges, and capacity charges, now known as impact fees incurred prior to the <br />Effective Date of this Ordinance. <br />K. Rate Resolution shall mean the "SCHEDULE OF WATER AND SEWER RATES <br />FEES AND OTHER CHARGES" as adopted by Rate Resolution 99-58, bearing an Effective <br />Date of October 1, 1999, as amended February 12, 2008 by Rate Resolution 2008- 013, as <br />amended August 18, 2009 by Rate Resolution 2009- 129 and as may be further amended <br />from time to time. <br />SECTION 5. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 201.05 of the Code of Indian River County <br />After the effective date of this Ordinance, Section 201.05 of the Code shall be <br />amended to read as follows: <br />Section 201.05. Exceptions to connections. <br />Nothing in this Chapter 201 of the Code This -article shall nGt be construed to require or entitle <br />any person to cross the private property of another to make any such sewer or water <br />connection. <br />SECTION 6. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 201.08 of the Code of Indian River County. <br />After the effective date of this Ordinance, the following subsections of Section 201.08 <br />of the Code are amended to read as follows: <br />Section 201.08. Rates and charges. <br />B. Service Availability Chargesgan 44G 4ie �r where lines are available. The <br />service availability charges This charge shall apply to every connected ERU and to each <br />ERU reserved for future use in a development. The service availability charges This -charge <br />will apply until the facility is permanently disconnected from the system. For developments <br />that have entered into an agreement with the county for reserving capacity, the service <br />availability charges fee shall commence upon certification by the department that county <br />K <br />