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<br />The Solid Waste Disposal District (SWDD) was established on
<br />December 22, 1987, by the adoption of the County Ordinance 87-67,
<br />The District is a dependent special District of the County and is
<br />composed of the entire unincorporated and incorporated areas of
<br />Indian River County, The governing body of the District shall be
<br />the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners acting as
<br />the SWDD Board, The purpose of the District is to provide an
<br />efficient and acceptable means, funded in an equitable manner,
<br />for the management, recycling, and disposal of solid waste
<br />generated by the residents of the District, The District will
<br />have all powers necessary to accomplish the purposes of the
<br />District. These powers include the power to hire, fire, and set
<br />compensation of employees, lease, rent or buy real and personal
<br />property, adopt "Policies and Procedures" of the District, and
<br />contract, including the power to contract with municipalities
<br />within Indian River County which have not joined the District.
<br />The District has appointed the County Administrator as the Solid
<br />Waste Disposal District Administrator, who shall oversee daily
<br />administration and supervision and have the power to hire, fire,
<br />and set compensation of all other employees of the District
<br />pursuant to the personnel rules of the County.
<br />Section I: Calculation of Disposal Charge
<br />The Solid Waste Disposal District (SWDD) shall use January 1st of
<br />each fiscal year to determine the assessable status of property
<br />for the ensuing fiscal year. By July of each year, the SWDD
<br />shall prepare a preliminary budget for the District for the next
<br />fiscal year and shall determine a proposed disposal charge for
<br />each parcel by using the Schedule of WGU's which are an integral
<br />part of this resolution. When property which is not assessable
<br />on January 1st becomes assessable, or when property which was
<br />assessable January let changes to a higher WGU category, the
<br />granting of a Certificate of Occupancy by the County and member
<br />municipalities shall be conditioned on the payment of the
<br />disposal charge prorated as provided in Section Iv.
<br />Section IIs Preparation of the Assessment Roll
<br />By June of each fiscal year, the District will receive from the
<br />Property Appraiser's office a print-out of all assessable
<br />property to verify correctness of the Assessment Roll and
<br />further, inclusion of all buildings given a certificate of
<br />Occupancy during the previous year by the County Building
<br />Department and each member municipality. The new properties
<br />will become a part of the District's Assessment Roll.
<br />At the same time as the Board of County Commissioners conducts
<br />budget workshops for the adoption of the annual County budget,
<br />the SWDD Board shall hold a preliminary Assessment hearing to
<br />adopt a budget, to adopt the disposal charge per waste
<br />generation unit for residential and non-residential parcels, and
<br />establish other charges and fees for the District as provided by
<br />Ordinances 87-67 and 88-32, and as amended by Resolution.
<br />After the preliminary Assessment hearing, the preliminary
<br />Assessment Roll will be sent to the Property Appraiser's office
<br />for inclusion in the Assessment notice. At the final budget
<br />hearings a resolution providing the disposal charge per waste
<br />generation unit for residential and non-residential parcels, the
<br />Readiness -to -Use fee and providing other charges and fees as
<br />necessary shall be adopted.
<br />All exempt status parcels that cannot be assessed by law shall be
<br />billed a Solid Waste Fee by SWDD in the form of an Invoice. The
<br />fee shall be due and payable within 30 days of issuance of the
<br />Invoice. The Property Appraiser's office will provide to the
<br />SWDD by October 1 annually, a list of these exempt properties.
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<br />The Solid Waste Disposal District (SWDD) was established on
<br />December 22, 1987, by the adoption of the County Ordinance 87-67,
<br />The District is a dependent special District of the County and is
<br />composed of the entire unincorporated and incorporated areas of
<br />Indian River County, The governing body of the District shall be
<br />the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners acting as
<br />the SWDD Board, The purpose of the District is to provide an
<br />efficient and acceptable means, funded in an equitable manner,
<br />for the management, recycling, and disposal of solid waste
<br />generated by the residents of the District, The District will
<br />have all powers necessary to accomplish the purposes of the
<br />District. These powers include the power to hire, fire, and set
<br />compensation of employees, lease, rent or buy real and personal
<br />property, adopt "Policies and Procedures" of the District, and
<br />contract, including the power to contract with municipalities
<br />within Indian River County which have not joined the District.
<br />The District has appointed the County Administrator as the Solid
<br />Waste Disposal District Administrator, who shall oversee daily
<br />administration and supervision and have the power to hire, fire,
<br />and set compensation of all other employees of the District
<br />pursuant to the personnel rules of the County.
<br />Section I: Calculation of Disposal Charge
<br />The Solid Waste Disposal District (SWDD) shall use January 1st of
<br />each fiscal year to determine the assessable status of property
<br />for the ensuing fiscal year. By July of each year, the SWDD
<br />shall prepare a preliminary budget for the District for the next
<br />fiscal year and shall determine a proposed disposal charge for
<br />each parcel by using the Schedule of WGU's which are an integral
<br />part of this resolution. When property which is not assessable
<br />on January 1st becomes assessable, or when property which was
<br />assessable January let changes to a higher WGU category, the
<br />granting of a Certificate of Occupancy by the County and member
<br />municipalities shall be conditioned on the payment of the
<br />disposal charge prorated as provided in Section Iv.
<br />Section IIs Preparation of the Assessment Roll
<br />By June of each fiscal year, the District will receive from the
<br />Property Appraiser's office a print-out of all assessable
<br />property to verify correctness of the Assessment Roll and
<br />further, inclusion of all buildings given a certificate of
<br />Occupancy during the previous year by the County Building
<br />Department and each member municipality. The new properties
<br />will become a part of the District's Assessment Roll.
<br />At the same time as the Board of County Commissioners conducts
<br />budget workshops for the adoption of the annual County budget,
<br />the SWDD Board shall hold a preliminary Assessment hearing to
<br />adopt a budget, to adopt the disposal charge per waste
<br />generation unit for residential and non-residential parcels, and
<br />establish other charges and fees for the District as provided by
<br />Ordinances 87-67 and 88-32, and as amended by Resolution.
<br />After the preliminary Assessment hearing, the preliminary
<br />Assessment Roll will be sent to the Property Appraiser's office
<br />for inclusion in the Assessment notice. At the final budget
<br />hearings a resolution providing the disposal charge per waste
<br />generation unit for residential and non-residential parcels, the
<br />Readiness -to -Use fee and providing other charges and fees as
<br />necessary shall be adopted.
<br />All exempt status parcels that cannot be assessed by law shall be
<br />billed a Solid Waste Fee by SWDD in the form of an Invoice. The
<br />fee shall be due and payable within 30 days of issuance of the
<br />Invoice. The Property Appraiser's office will provide to the
<br />SWDD by October 1 annually, a list of these exempt properties.
<br />-11-
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