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r <br />.r, <br />MUNTRY CLO POINTE <br />PROPERTY OC^JVER S ASSOCIATION, /IAC, <br />3000 GOLFVIEW DRIVE <br />VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 <br />June 16, 1974 <br />Indian River County Commission <br />County Courthouse <br />Versa i3each, Fla. 32960 <br />F <br />Dear Commissioner: <br />The Planninn Department for Vero Beach -Indian River County <br />was primarily formed for the benefit of the taxpavers to plan an <br />orderly, not a rapid growth pattern .for the City and County. <br />Accordingly, that department prepared a Master Plan which, over <br />the last few years, has been presented not only to the various <br />city and co1.1nty agencies, but to the taxpaying public. After one <br />public meeting, sentiment was overwhelmin-ly "low density" in resi- <br />d�ntial areas.. However., the raster flan has yet to be adopted and <br />rc-zonin- of the residential areas to a hither density is continu- <br />ally being; requested and, in some cases, granted. <br />A problem has arisen for Country Club Pointe with the request <br />for re-zoninry of 40 acres of land by a group of doctors. Recently <br />the County Zoning Board recommended a chan;;e to R-2 from R -1-A on <br />the south 20 acres, the reason being submitted that it was good <br />for the hospital as it will provide low cost hpusin;; for hospital <br />Personnel. When questioned from. the audience if this housing would <br />be restricted to hospital. personnel, Mr. Val Brennan's answer was <br />negative. Two.him died seventy apartments for over 600 people are <br />proposed on. these 20 acres thereby opening the door for other de- <br />velopers to ask for high density zoning. 17by now? Why not wait <br />for the 10aster Plan? This re-zoni.n¢ will cause an increase in <br />noise and traffic near the new hospital. One reason the Indian <br />River Community College declined ten acres offered by the hospital <br />was the traffic congestion. Surely a development such as this <br />will cause far more traffic and noise. <br />The reason Country Club Pointe residents are concerned about <br />this property is that it abuts 150 acres to the east which are in <br />our "backyard." Using the domino theory, is it not likely to ex- <br />pect that the developers of these 150 acres will likewise seek to' <br />have their property rezoned, permitting; double or triple the pres- <br />ent density factor? <br />Recently the Department of Transportation asked that no <br />chnnnes in zoning be granted as this results in increased costs in <br />purchasing; rights of way. As the Indian"River Boulevard extension. <br />crosses the northeast corner of the subject property it stands to <br />1. oon 20 PAGE22032 <br />o <br />.r, <br />MUNTRY CLO POINTE <br />PROPERTY OC^JVER S ASSOCIATION, /IAC, <br />3000 GOLFVIEW DRIVE <br />VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 <br />June 16, 1974 <br />Indian River County Commission <br />County Courthouse <br />Versa i3each, Fla. 32960 <br />F <br />Dear Commissioner: <br />The Planninn Department for Vero Beach -Indian River County <br />was primarily formed for the benefit of the taxpavers to plan an <br />orderly, not a rapid growth pattern .for the City and County. <br />Accordingly, that department prepared a Master Plan which, over <br />the last few years, has been presented not only to the various <br />city and co1.1nty agencies, but to the taxpaying public. After one <br />public meeting, sentiment was overwhelmin-ly "low density" in resi- <br />d�ntial areas.. However., the raster flan has yet to be adopted and <br />rc-zonin- of the residential areas to a hither density is continu- <br />ally being; requested and, in some cases, granted. <br />A problem has arisen for Country Club Pointe with the request <br />for re-zoninry of 40 acres of land by a group of doctors. Recently <br />the County Zoning Board recommended a chan;;e to R-2 from R -1-A on <br />the south 20 acres, the reason being submitted that it was good <br />for the hospital as it will provide low cost hpusin;; for hospital <br />Personnel. When questioned from. the audience if this housing would <br />be restricted to hospital. personnel, Mr. Val Brennan's answer was <br />negative. Two.him died seventy apartments for over 600 people are <br />proposed on. these 20 acres thereby opening the door for other de- <br />velopers to ask for high density zoning. 17by now? Why not wait <br />for the 10aster Plan? This re-zoni.n¢ will cause an increase in <br />noise and traffic near the new hospital. One reason the Indian <br />River Community College declined ten acres offered by the hospital <br />was the traffic congestion. Surely a development such as this <br />will cause far more traffic and noise. <br />The reason Country Club Pointe residents are concerned about <br />this property is that it abuts 150 acres to the east which are in <br />our "backyard." Using the domino theory, is it not likely to ex- <br />pect that the developers of these 150 acres will likewise seek to' <br />have their property rezoned, permitting; double or triple the pres- <br />ent density factor? <br />Recently the Department of Transportation asked that no <br />chnnnes in zoning be granted as this results in increased costs in <br />purchasing; rights of way. As the Indian"River Boulevard extension. <br />crosses the northeast corner of the subject property it stands to <br />1. oon 20 PAGE22032 <br />