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ON MOTION BY COMMISSIONER DRITENBAS, SECONDED BY COM— <br />MISSIONER MASSEY,.!THE BOARD UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED RESOLUTION N0,74-64. <br />RESOLUTION No. 4-64 <br />E <br />WHEREAS, C. R. HATCH, JR., holder of Tax Certificate <br />No: 236 issued on the 31st day of May, 1968, did on December 22, <br />1972, make application for a tax deed on the South 1/2 of the North- <br />west 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4, LESS that to <br />Powell at al, section 29, Township 31 South, Range 39 East, and <br />WHEREAS, C. R. HATCH, JR., was the highest bidder on said <br />property which was sold by the Clerk of the Court on February 5, <br />1973, and <br />WHEREAS, Florida Statute 197.520 requires the Clerk of <br />r <br />the Circuit Court to set the base bid on tax sales at an amount <br />necessary to pay all costs and redeem all other tax certificates, <br />i <br />and <br />WHEREAS, from the proceeds of said sale, Tax Certificates <br />k <br />Nos. 133, sale of June 1, 1967, and Certificate No. 215, sale of <br />! May 31, 1972, were not redeemed, and <br />i <br />WHEREAS, by law such certificates should have been redeemed <br />and <br />WHEREAS, after payment of all costs of sale and redemptions <br />If of other tax certificates,an excess of $758.62, was held by the <br />Clerk of the Circuit Court for the required statutory period and <br />i then paid into the General Fund of Indian River County. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, that the Clerk is authorized <br />to pay from the General Fund to Gene Morris, Tax Collector, for <br />the redemption of Tax Certificate 215 the amount of $50.07 plus <br />$10.68 due in interest $5.00 Collector's fee, for a total of $65.75, <br />and for the redemption of Tax Certificate No. 133, the amount of <br />$33.74 plus $20.69 due in interest plus the Collector's fee of $5.00 <br />for a total of $59.43. <br />L 10 . 1;97 4 <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />B C/plc) G=' / <br />Y <br />Alma Lee Loy, Chairman <br />ATTEST: <br />%✓' / �., <br />/ Clerk . <br />BOOK, 4urA6€U <br />