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s° <br />K1:S01.U'1'10N NO. 74 -76 o <br />b <br />WHERL•'AS, the Constitution of div United titaGes cif <br />America gives us the foundation for a free, prospceruus and inde- <br />pendant life for every citizen, but ouch generation, in time. must <br />work for and claim it; othe.rwise, through carelessness or indiffer- <br />ence, the rights and liberties we have enjoyed may vanish; and <br />WHEREAS, it is of the greatest consequence that the <br />citizens fully understand tbe' �.provisions and Tprinciples contained <br />In the Constitution of the United States of America in order to be <br />able to support it properly as, "The greatest document for human <br />liberty in two thousand years of recorded history;" and <br />WHEREAS. the people of the United States should be <br />deeply grateful to their Founding Fathers for the wisdom and <br />foresight they displayed in writing and adopting the Constitution;and <br />WHEREAS, the independence granted to the American = <br />' people to enjoy such freedom and liberty, unknown to any other <br />country, should be celebrated by appropriate ce:reonies and <br />activities during Constitution Week, September, 17 through 33, <br />as designated by proclamation of the President of the United States <br />In accordance with Public Law No. 915; and <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that The Board <br />of County Commissioners of Indian River County, do hereby proclaim <br />the week of September 17 through 23, 1074, els . <br />CONSTITUTION WEEK <br />in Indian River County, Florida. and urge all our citizens to pay <br />special attention during that week to our Federal Constitution and <br />the advantages of American Citizenship. <br />BOARD OF COUNTY C0111IISSIONI:1iS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY _.\FLtORID6� <br />ATTEST: ' <br />By_ <br />�% / Alma Lee Loi, Ch,airman <br />.. Clerks <br />`' L <br />111974 0001 PAG(3ou <br />