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ItNITCt) 51111tS <br />ENVIFt0t:.1ENiAL P110117CTION AGCNCY <br />ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE <br />FOR <br />TITLE Vi OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT JF 19134 <br />AND <br />SECTION 13 OF THE FWPCA AMENDMENTS OF 1972 <br />NAMI ANt) ADI)ItEti:OF A,M'LICANT/itECIPIENI /fleremalter CHANT IDENTIFICATION NUMI,EH GRANT AMOUNT <br />r.1lGa/ A.SSURORI (To be completed by EPA) REOUEST ED <br />Board of County Cotmnissioners $ 270,000 <br />Indian River County TYPE OF GRANT <br />County Courthouse [30CMUNS-1 RAT ION iJRrSFARCII ❑TRAINING <br />Vero Beach, Florida 32960 MOTHER fspes/fy): Step I - °201 Facilities Plan' <br />FCHMCKONE: <br />NE W 0 CONTINUATION <br />IIIi1Z1iIIY AGIMUS THAT IT well comply with Title VI of the Civil ltigltls Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) and 211 requirements or the <br />115, liuviruunienial Proiectuo Agency (hercinafter culled "l-YA') issued pursuant to that title, to the end that in accordance Kith <br />Title VI cif that Ac:. till Iterstnh in dee Uoitcd Stales dial!- on the ground of race, color. or national origin be excluded front <br />partcipalion in, be denied the benefits 411', or lie oiherwisc wbjectcd to di%LArninatien under any program or activity rtor which the <br />Assurer trrcives Chlancial acsistaticc from iiPA and Hereby gives assulanec that it will now, and hereafter take all ncccssary measures <br />ill effecttlalr this agrecuicol. <br />III:REBY AGRETN T11AT 1T will comply with all applicable requiramcnas of Sectitn, 13 of the Federal Water Pollution Control <br />Act Alnendnoclils or 1972 (111_ 92-500) and all requireuecnis of EPA issued pursuant to that section, to the end that in accordance <br />will, that scctiem or that Act. no person in the United States shall, oillite ground of scs be excluded frurn participati6h in, be <br />denied the In nclits of, or he othcrwisc subjected its discrimination Ihnder any program or activity under the said Federal Mater <br />Pollution Ctonitol Act Apicudments lior which ate Assmt/r F" -Gives financiul;visisfaiicc rrum EPA and hereby gives assurance that it <br />will now and hereafter lake all necessary cneasolcs to effectuate this agreement. <br />Ir any Ir j properly tit structure therein is provided or improved with lite aid or financial assistants: extended to the Assuror by <br />I:PA. this Assiti nice obligates the Assurtor. or, in lite case of any transfer of such property, any transreree for the periud during <br />which the real pioloctty it( Stnhctute is ttwd tior a purpose involving the provisions of similar scrviccs or benefits. Wally lire.unal <br />lnollcrly is sopuovided. this Assurance ttbtil a lm the Assuror for lite perieod during which it retains ownership or rossmion for the <br />ploprity. In all other caws. this Assurance obligates lite Assuror for the period during which the financial assistance is extended to <br />i1 by IPA. <br />Till: ASSURANCE is given in consideration of and for the pufpiose of obtaining any and all Federal grants, loans, contracts, <br />lorolicrty discounts or other financial assistance extended after the date hereof to the Assuror by EPA including installment <br />paynlruts after SUCH Jat- on 2WHInt or arrangements Ter Federal financial assistance which were approved before such date. The <br />4ssunor recuguuex and a., . that such Federal financial assistance will be extended in reliance on the representations and <br />agreements made in this Amuranct: and that the United States shall reserve lite right to seek judicial enforcement of this Assurance. <br />Phis Assurance is binding en the Assurer, its successors. transfer=. 2nd assignees, and the person or persons wluose signature <br />,ppear bellow are authorized to sign this Assurance on behalf of the Assuror. <br />Me obligaiicnts amumcd by the Assurer hereunder are in addition to any obligations which inay be imposed on the Assuror by any <br />applicable regulation now outstanding or which may hereafter be adopted by EPA to effectuate any provision car goal of the said <br />Pitta VI and all applilJblc requirements Or Illi' Said Section 13, and no part of this Assurance shall be read so as td in any way <br />&-tract frunl or modify any obligation which truly be imposed on tine Assurer by any such regulation standing alone. <br />SIt:NAl1IRr OF•f n a OY PRE IBE , HAIRM NOF O RO OR COMPARABLE AUTNORIZEO <br />OI i1C1A6 <br />BATE <br />//�� <br />EPA Form'I70e-1 (Rev. 6-741 <br />PN "US I'OITION IS OOSOLETC <br />0 <br />COMMISSIONER SIEBERT <br />LEFT THE MEETING <br />Ta SERVE <br />ON THE GANVASING BOARD <br />AT 10:25 O'CLOCK <br />A,Me <br />Book <br />&.0W PAGE3 <br />.80 <br />f--S4P.111 . <br />r� <br />
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