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RESOLUTION NO 2009-019 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, <br />FLORIDA APPROVING THE COUNTY'S LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN FOR FY 2009- <br />20109 2010-2011, AND 2011-2012. <br />WHEREAS, Chapter 420, Florida Statutes, describes the State Housing Initiative Partnership Program (SHIP), <br />and states that the principal objective ofthat program is to increase the amount of affordable housing within the State of <br />Florida; and <br />WHEREAS, the Indian River CountyBoard ofCounty Commissioners, on April 6, 1993, approved Ordinance <br />Number 93-13, establishing the county's first Local Housing Assistance Program; and <br />WHEREAS, the current Local Housing Assistance plan expires on June 30, 2009; and <br />WHEREAS, the current Local Housing Assistance Plan adequately addresses the county's affordable housing <br />needs; and <br />WHEREAS, the Indian River county Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on February 18, 2009, and <br />recommended that the Board ofCounty Commissioners approve the Indian River County Local Housing Assistance Plan <br />for 2009-2010, 2010-2011, and 2011-2012; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, on March 17, 2009, considered the Indian River County <br />Local Housing Assistance Plan for FY 2009-10, FY 2010-11, and FY 2011-12. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida that: <br />Section 1. <br />The above recitals are ratified in their entirety <br />Section 2. <br />The attached Indian River County Local Housing Assistance Plan for FY 2009-20105 2010-2011, and 201 1- <br />2012 is hereby approved by the Board ofCounty Commissioners. The County's Local Housing Assistance plan <br />is a countywide plan and covers the unincorporated county as well as all municipalities within the county. <br />Section 3. <br />The Board of County Commissioners directs staff to submit two copies of the Indian River County Local <br />Housing Assistance Plan to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation by certified mail. A minimum of one <br />of the two copies shall bear the original signature of the Board of County Commissioners Chairman. <br />