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RESOLUTION NO. 75-3 <br />WHEREAS, BRUCE McCULLOUGH, member of the INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY ZONING COMMISSION, after serving seven years on said <br />Commission, has deemed it in the best interest of the County <br />to retire from such service and thereby afford the opportunity <br />of serving to another citizen of the County; and <br />WHEREAS, during his term of office he did, with excellence, <br />perform his duties and serve the citizens of Indian River County <br />with distinction; and <br />WHEREAS, he did honorably serve as Vice Chairman of the <br />Commission for the years 1970 through 1973; and <br />WHEREAS, during his tenure of office, his dedication and <br />performance were outstanding and was instrumental in establish- <br />ing the best zoning policies for the citizens; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida, on behalf of itself and all of the <br />citizens of this County, wish to publicly express its appre-• <br />ciation for his many years of devoted public service; <br />NOW,'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County <br />Commissioeers of Indian River County, Florida, that it thanks <br />BRUCE McCULLOUGH, outstanding public servant, for his public <br />service and devotion to duty and wishes him continued <br />success in all his future endeavors. <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF INDIAN RIVER CIUNTY,FL RIDA <br />By 'tri J_'..' /f <br />Attest: .4.-�' <br />Ralph/, arras, Clerk <br />JAN 2 21975 <br />C <br />'' <br />Alma Lee Loy, C a 1 man <br />eooK 22 PAGE 08 <br />