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ON MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SIEBERT, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER, <br />1ASSEY, THE BOARD UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED A ZONING CHANGE FROM R-1TM TRANSI- <br />ENT MOBILE HOME DISTRICT TO C-1 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, AS REQUESTED BY <br />JOSEPH AND RICHARD HOLT AND PRESENTED BY MICHAEL KENNEY. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 75-23 <br />WHEREAS, the Zoning Commission of Indian River County, Flor- <br />ida, did, after public hearing, make its final report recommend- <br />ing changes and additions to the Zoning Ordinance of Indian River <br />County, Florida; and, <br />AREAS, this Board did publish its notice of said recommend- <br />ed changes and additions and did, pursuant thereto, hold a public <br />hearing in relation thereto at which parties in interest and <br />citizens were heard: Now, therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida, that the Zoning Ordinance of Indian River., <br />County, Florida, and the accompanying Zoning Map, be changed as <br />follows: <br />1.. That the Zoning Map be changed in order that the follow- <br />nOing property owned by Joseph Holt and Richard Holt, situated in <br />Indian River County, Florida, to -wit: <br />Beginning a$ the Northeast corner of Tract_9, Section 3, <br />Township 33 -South, Range 38 -East, Indian River County, <br />Florida; run West along the 1/4 section line a distance <br />of 730.10'; thence run South 00 degrees 41' 28" West a <br />distance of 86.75' to a point on the South right of way <br />line of the existing 200' right of way of SR 60. Thence <br />continue South 00 degrees 41' 28" West parallel to the <br />East line of Section 3, a distance of 802' to the Point <br />of Beginning. Thence run North 88 degrees 16' 32" West <br />parallel to the South right of way line of SR 60 a dis- <br />tance of 570' more or less to the East right of way line <br />of I-95. Thence run South along said I-95 easterly right <br />of way line to a point where the South line of Tract 9, <br />Section 3, Township 33 -South, Range 38 -East crosses said <br />I-95 easterly right of way line. Thence run easterly along <br />said South line of Tract 9, 1200' more or less to the west- <br />erly right of way line of 90th Avenue. Thence run North <br />along the westerly right of way line of 90th Avenue 700'+ <br />to a point. Thence run North 88 degrees 16' 32" West •690' <br />more or less to a point which is on a line with a bearing <br />of North 00 degrees 41' 28" East to the Point of Beginning. <br />Thence run South 00 degrees 41' 28" West 200' more or less <br />to the Point of Beginning. Said parcel to contain 16 acres. <br />Be changed from R-1TM Transient Mobile Home District, to <br />C-1 Commercial District. <br />All within the meaning and intent and as set forth and des• <br />- <br />cribed in said Zoning Regulation. <br />-62- <br />APR 231975 <br />BOOK <br />