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APR 2,31975 <br />RESOLUTION .No.75 -24 <br />WHEREAS, the Zoning Commission of Indian River County, Flor- <br />ida, did, after public hearing, make its final report recommend- <br />ing changes and additions to the Zoning Ordinance of Indian River <br />County, Florida; and•, <br />WHEREAS, this Board did publish its notice of said recommended <br />changes and additions and did, pursuant thereto, hold a public <br />hearing in relation thereto at which parties in interest and <br />citizens were heard: Now, therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida, that the Zoning Ordinance of Indian River <br />County, Florida, and the accompanying Zoning Map, be changed as <br />follows: <br />1. That the Zoning Map be changed in order that the follow- <br />ing property owned by C. E. Yoder, situated in Indian River County, <br />Florida, to -wit: <br />All of that part of Government Lots 2, 3, & 4, of Section <br />25, Township 30 -South, Range 38 -East, lying 660 feet East- <br />erly of and parallel to the centerline of U.S. Highway #1 <br />and being more particularly described as commencing at a <br />point on the West boundary of Government Lot 2 and 617.80 <br />feet North of the Southwest corner thereof; Thence run <br />North 35 degrees 10' 00" East to the Easterly right-of- <br />way of said U.S. Highway #1 a distance of 676.48 feet to <br />the point of beginning; Thence continue North 35 degrees <br />10' 00" East a distance of 774.33 feet; Thence run South <br />15 degrees 36' 25" East and parallel to the centerline of <br />U.S. Highway #1 a distance of 1620.86 feet; Thence run <br />South 41 degrees 34' 51" West a distance of 374.85 feet; <br />Thence run South 46 degrees 29' 11" West a distance of <br />322.28 feet to the said Easterly right-of-way of U.S. High- <br />way #1; Thence run North 15 degrees.36' 25" West along said <br />Easterly right-of-way a distance of 1485.15 feet to the <br />point of beginning; said parcel lying and being in Indian <br />River County, Florida, LESS AND EXCEPTING therefrom the <br />following described parcel; <br />Be changed from C-1 Commercial District to R -1A Single Fam- <br />ily District. <br />All of that part of Government Lots 2, 3, & 4, Section 25, <br />Township 30 -South, Range 38 -East lying Easterly of U.S. <br />Highway #1 and being more particularly described as commenc- <br />ing at a point on the West boundary of Government Lot 2 and <br />617.80 feet North of the Southwest corner thereof; Thence <br />run North 35 degrees 10' 00" East to the Easterly right-of- <br />way of U.S. Highway #1 a distance of 676.48 feet to the <br />point of beginning; Thence continue North 35 degrees 10' <br />00" East a distance of 103.99 feet; Thence run South 34 de- <br />grees 23' 43" East a distance of 1326.92 feet; Thence run <br />South 41 degrees 34' 51" West a distance of 265.48 feet; <br />Thence run South 46 degrees 29' 11" West a distance of 322.28 <br />feet to said Easterly right-of-way of U.S. Highway #1; Thence <br />run North 15 degrees 36' 25" West along said Easterly right- <br />of-way a distance of 1485.15 feet to the point of beginning; <br />said parcel lying and being in Indian River County, Florida. <br />Presently zoned C-1 Commercial District; To Remain C-1 <br />Comma}cial District. <br />