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RESOLUTION NO. 75-26 <br />WHEREAS, the PRESS JOURNAL NEWSPAPER of INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY has been in existence for over fifty-six (56) years <br />reporting the current news of interest to our community; and <br />WHEREAS, the reporting of the news has:always. been <br />on a reliable and factual basis, evidenced by the numerous <br />awards the PRESS JOURNAL has earned over the years; and <br />WHEREAS, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY is celebrating its <br />Fiftieth Anniversary and said Celebration will be evidenced <br />in the PRESS JOURNAL by a June Special Anniversary Edition; and <br />WHEREAS, the PRESS JOURNAL'S depositories are rich in <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY lore dating back'to 1919 to the current <br />date; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of <br />County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, hereby <br />proclaims the PRESS JOURNAL the Official Newspaper for the <br />Fiftieth Anniversary Celebrations and congratulates the <br />PRESS JOURNAL for the fine reporting services they have <br />performed for INDIAN RIVER COUNTY over the last fifty-six (56) <br />years. <br />Attest: <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF INDIAN RIVER CCNTY,. FJtQRIDA <br />By <br />1ph Harris, C erk <br />APR 23 1975 <br />oy, Chair <br />un9k, 22 pr 34- <br />