<br /> A portion of land lying in Section 21, Township 31 South, Range 38 Eost, Indian ,W
<br /> River County, Ftorido, more porliMrinrly described as follows.
<br /> Commence at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, 'Block f3, Vero Lake Estates Unit
<br /> N=2, according to the plat recorded in Plot Roak 6, Page 4 of i1he Pijblic Records ,'m
<br /> of Indian River Coonly, Florida and nin N 0'12'14" E. along the East line of Lot 1,
<br /> n distance of 88.95 feet to the: POINT OF DEGll•NIVIG; Thence continue N 912'14" E.
<br /> still nlong the East I ine of LoL 1, a distance of 68.04 feet to the Point of
<br /> Curvature of a 25--foot radius curve, concave to the southwest, hoving a cerrtrol
<br /> angle of 90025'29", (m a chard of 35.22 feet hearing N 44'35'02" W; Thence run
<br /> 610011westetly, along the curve, n distance of 39.08 feet to the Point of Tangency,
<br /> said point being on the existing South right-of-way line of County Road 512;
<br /> rhence run N 81'22'18" W, alone the said South right-of-way line , o distance of
<br /> 210.00 feet to the Point of Curvoture of a 25-foot radius curva, concave to Ilse
<br /> Southeast, having a cen(ml angle of 90'25'34" and o chord of 35.49 feet gearing
<br /> S 45'24'55" W; -Thence rim Southwesterly, nlnng the snid curve, n distonce of 39.46
<br /> i fest to the Paint of Tangency, snid point being on the west line of Lot •12, Black
<br /> I B, Vera Loke Estates Unit 1-1-2; Thence run S 0'12`{)8" W, along the West 1i1 Le Of
<br /> z
<br /> Lot 12, ct distance of 27.85 feet to a paint on a -non-tangent curve, concave to
<br /> the South, having a mdiul hearing of S08'30'40"W, n rndius of 5,610 feet, o central
<br /> angle of 1'28'51", and a chard of 145,07 feet bearing S 80'11'1£1" E; thence run
<br /> u
<br /> Southeo§ledy, alone [lie curve, o distance cif 1 X15.07 feet to the Point of Reverse n
<br /> i Curve of n 5,850-foot radius curve, concave to the North, having ❑ central angle
<br /> of 1'0930", and cr chord of 118.25 feet bearing S 80'35'04" E; Thence nrn
<br /> Sonih''eostei•ly, along the curve, o distance of 118.26 feet to the POINT OF i
<br /> tai GItJ1�IlNG.
<br /> Containing 18,551.0 square feet, or 0.43 acres, more or less. LEGEND & ABBREVIKHORS
<br /> Naw lying in irrclian River County. Florida- I.R.C•R.=Ifidiar; giver Counly Records P.0.13.=Point of Beginning Ef
<br /> O.R_R.=Official Record Rook P.O.(;.-Point of Commencement `0
<br /> i f.11=Plot Book }'.T.=Point of TQngeru:y 1
<br /> P.C_=Point of Cornmencement Sq. Ft.=Sgtaare Feet �;
<br /> rG.=Page R/W=Right-of-Way Do
<br /> CERTIFICATION :i ro
<br /> .S'ijrveyar and i.apper in responsible charge THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURREY r_ 12
<br /> ��- ' , --!CL..._ _ n
<br /> � ���� '�j,�,� -20 •ZG�'�� TI-IIS SKETCH AI•lU DESCRIPTION 15 I�IflT COMPLETE AS
<br /> Michael 0 ries P.S.M. Date A WI-101_f WITIJOUT BOTH SHEETS ONE AND TWO AS PiREPAREO, y �
<br /> F=lorida Registration 14' . P.S.M. 6118 �
<br /> Indian River C;oat� Stirveto
<br /> and Mcipper - „E� c•1
<br /> ::oiAtI tir. n couv:Z ar,,llr►sTrt rx,it 6tmnYa' //yp/,Qjrl R/i/£n" CaUNTY °''m W. SEOT10Pa 21 SK£7'Cf1 AND D£SCRIPTIOW OF A �
<br /> 1810 2511, STHEET >9 Roach — __S 2 !7
<br /> va;a ecu• r� s2�eu DMoD'mepf of_Publie Mocks �PRn�E�vr� ��f3WNS1�lP 31S PORTION OF C.,?. 312 RF4L1rAN1FNT 2 �
<br /> t»z) 5e,-soon Englne8ring Dilislon At 0-wm RA1�ICE .1'3E" __-_
<br /> t:1
<br />