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RESOLUTION NO. 2 V 37 <br />RESOLUTION ACCEPTING RECOMMENDATIONS <br />OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY COMMISSION CON- <br />CERNING RENOURISHMENT OF EROSION DAM- <br />AGED BEACHES IN THE CITY OF VERO BEACH <br />AND INDIAN RIVER COUNTY. <br />WHEREAS, in the past twelve to eighteen months storms and accom- <br />panying winds have considerably eroded and otherwise damaged large areas <br />of the beaches existing in the City of Vero Beach and Indian River County; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, renourishment of the said beaches is an immediate need <br />and in this regard on June 10, 1975, the Jacksonville District of the De- <br />partment of Army Corps of Engineers conducted a public hearing in the City <br />of Vero Beach, offering various methods by which beach renourishment can <br />be accomplished; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Indian River County met <br />following the said public hearing and by. letter of June 20, 1975, from <br />Jack G. Jennings, County Administrator, did relate the following recom- <br />mendations to the City Council of the City of Vero Beach: <br />1. Support State of Florida's recommendations for Sebastian <br />State Park area, including request project be monitored. <br />The federal project should provide for a protective and <br />recreational beach and future maintenance nourishment. <br />It would be very desirable for the project to provide for <br />development of a more efficient sand transfer system at <br />the Inlet and participation in the operation of that sys- <br />tem. We would prefer to have the breakwater groin south <br />of the Inlet included as an authorized alternative for <br />construction only after its need is clearly demonstrated. <br />A monitoring program should definitely be included as a <br />part of a project in this area. The monitoring program <br />would assist in the evaluation of .the project and is par- <br />ticularly important for assessing the effectiveness of <br />the sand transfer operation at the Inlet as well as for <br />determining the need for the deferred structure. <br />2. Recommend and concur with the Corps of Engineers' recom- <br />mendation for beachfill renourishment in the north end <br />of the project area, including breakwater groin as an <br />authorized alternative for construction only after its <br />need is clearly demonstrated. A monitoring program would <br />assist in the evaluation of the project and is particularly <br />important for assessing the results of the beachfill pro- <br />ject. <br />3. Urgently recommends a test reef known as the Sabecon Reef <br />be an authorized alternative for construction, undertaken by <br />the Corps of Engineers as authorized by the United States <br />Congress. This test reef to consist of two tangents of <br />JUN 2 71975 <br />i <br />rock <br />pvc <br />