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SEP 101975 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 75_54 <br />WHEREAS, this, Board has made the following determinations <br />of fact: <br />1. Pursuant to Section 205 of the Highway Safety <br />Act of 1973 the Federal Government will provide 100% financing <br />for all local governmental entities that participate in a <br />Pavement Marking Demonstration Program; <br />2. A Payment Marking Demonstration Program will pro- <br />vide centerline striping and edgeline striping on many miles <br />of county roads which do not have adequate striping at the <br />present time; <br />3. The purpose of this program is to determine if an. <br />overall striping system will reduce the number of traffic <br />mishaps and increase the overall traffic safety in the country; <br />4. This program will provide great benefits to the <br />residents of Indian River County; and <br />5. In order to implement this program it is necessary <br />to submit to the Florida Department of Transportation a <br />resolution authorizing the County Administrator to act on <br />behalf of Indian River County in this matter and an executed <br />agreement between the County and the Florida Department of <br />Transportation covering the striping to be done; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: <br />A. The Chairman of this Board is hereby authorized <br />to execute the agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit "1", <br />between Indian River County and the Florida Department of <br />Transportation concerning the Pavement Marking Demonstration <br />Program; and <br />800X 23 PACE286 <br />