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IN <br />RESOLUTION NO.2008- 006 <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: <br />1. Resolution No. 2006-032 is modified as follows: The completion date for Project No. <br />03427 is declared to be February 8, 2007 and the last day that payment may be made avoiding <br />interest and penalty charges is ninety (90) days after passage of this resolution. <br />2. Payments bearing interest at the rate of 8.25% per annum may be made in 5 equal <br />installments, the first to be made twelve (12) months from the due date and the subsequent payments <br />to be due yearly from the due date. The due date is ninety (90) days after the passage of this <br />resolution. <br />3. The assessment roll for said project listed in Resolution No. 2006-032 shall be as set forth <br />in attached Exhibit "A" to this resolution. <br />4. The assessments as shown in attached Exhibit "A" shall stand confirmed and remain legal, <br />valid, and binding first liens against the property against which such assessments are made until <br />paid. <br />5. The assessments shown in Exhibit "A", attached to Resolution No. 2006-032 were <br />recorded by the County on the public records of Indian River County, and the lien shall constitute <br />prima facie evidence of its validity. <br />FAEngineering\Petition Paving\03-127 32nd Ave 15th St. SW to 13th PI SW\03-127 PP Resolution As-Built-7-31-07-mjm.doc <br />2 <br />