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LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A portion of Sections 25 and 26 of the Fleming Grant, <br />Indian River County, Floridc, being more particularly described <br />cs follows: <br />Begin at an iron rod marking the Northeast corner o` the <br />lands described in O.R. Book 678, Page 339 of the Public <br />Records of Indian River County, Florida, and run N 89'26'16" W <br />along the North line of the lands described in said O.R. Book <br />678, Paae 339, a distance of 2172.65 feet to a point in the <br />South line of Section 26, Fleming Grant. Then run <br />Along the Southwest line of Section 26 and Section 25 of <br />Fleming Grant, lJ 4439'18" W a distance of 2900 feet, more <br />or less, to a point lying in the East right—of—way line of <br />State Road 5 (Interstate 95). Then run <br />N 1'50'02" E, along the East richt—of—woy line of Interstate <br />95, a distance of 1 688 feet, more or less to c point. Then run <br />S 89'26'16" E, parallel with the North line of the lands <br />described in O.R. Book 678, Page 339, a distance of 4259 feet, <br />more or less, to o poin► lying in the Northerly extension of the <br />East richt—of—way line of 102nd Terrace. Then run <br />S 0'20' 14" W, olonc the Northerly extension of the Eost <br />richt—of—way line of 102nd Terrace as recorded in Plat Book <br />Page 59 of the Public=ecords of Indian River Court\, <br />Florida, a distance of 3730 feet, more or less, to the Nortnecst <br />corner of 102nd Terrace, according to the said plat. Then run <br />N 89'26'16" W a distance of 80 feet to a point on the <br />West richt—of—way of 102nd Terrace and the POINT OF SH -GINNING. <br />EXHIBIT A <br />