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ADMINISTRATOR .JENNINGS INFORMED THE BOARD THAT HE HAS VISITED <br />THIS AREA AND LISTENED TO THE MANY SIDES PRESENTED BY THE PEOPLE LIVING <br />THERE, SOME OF WHICH ARE SET FORTH IN THE FOLLOWING LETTERS FROM MRS. <br />RYMER AND MRS. .JOINES. <br />dprtl.5, 1976 <br />Chairman Siebert & <br />Members of the Board of <br />County Commissioners <br />Indian diver County <br />hero Beach, Florida <br />Be: Dedicated Park Areas in <br />Nelrose Gardens Subdivision <br />Due to my employment, I will be unable to attend the meeting <br />scheduled for the above referenced matter on April 7, 1976. <br />2'hts letter is written to voice my objections to the release, <br />abandonment, or any action whatsoever on the part of the -County <br />Commission on the above referenced property. <br />'I -am not the adjacent property owner to the park area on the <br />east side of .35th Avenue, next to Mrs. Dragavon, but I am the <br />adjacent property owner to dedicated park area on west side. <br />I researched the records when I purchased my property and purposely <br />purchased the lot adjacent to the park for property protection. There <br />were approximately five (5) homes in the area when I purchased my lot <br />so I had plenty to choose from. I realized that by owning this <br />particular lot, I would be assured of having more than 20 feet <br />between houses. If you abandoned this area, the owners now or future <br />will be able to make additions to their homes within ten feet of the <br />new property line. I realize that Mrs. Dragavon does not intend to <br />build on this area, but she may sell at a future date and I do not <br />believe you can transfer legal title to a piece of property and forbid <br />the owner to use it. This .would not invade my privacy, but the owners <br />next door to me will be able to do the same thing. Perhaps Mrs. <br />Dragavon feels her privacy is being invaded because of the park area, <br />but the situation existed when she purchased. <br />I appeared, along with Mr. Gerald Young, before the County Commission <br />On July 24, 1974 to ask for release of a 20 ft. easement north of said <br />park areas. We were granted the release and I paid $'205.00 to have <br />the Swale ditch moved to the park area.. I did not ask for this release <br />for a selfish reason. Mr. Young has a lot only 70 feet wide and his <br />existing gravel driveway was already on part of the easement. He wants <br />to concrete the driveway and had to have the easement released in order <br />to accomplish this. He went to the County Road & Bridge Department and <br />was told that he would have a better chance of releasing the easement <br />tf both property owners requested it. I did not need the additional <br />,footage but I ask for it to help my neighbor. If I would have thought <br />for .one minute I was trading my rights to the park area for the release <br />of. -the easement, you can rest assured that I would have forgotten the <br />whole idea. I was told prior to my request that the county would not <br />even consider releasing any part of a dedicated park area. There is <br />a definite need'for the county to maintain sufficient area for drainage <br />and future improvements. <br />; 7 <br />' APR 7 1976- <br />'A <br />