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Lessor BSFS Equipment Leasing, A Component of General Electric <br />Capital Corporation <br />Lessee Indian River County <br />Florida. Agreement Addendum <br />Agreement NoJSchedule No. <br />7297850 <br />A. AMENDMENTS TO MASTER LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT. Contemporaneously with entering into the <br />Master Lease/Purchase Agreement referenced above, Lessee and Lessor hereby agree to the following changes to <br />the Master Lease/Purchase Agreement: <br />1.. Section 4. N ONAP PROP RIATION: The second sentence of Section 4 of the Agreement is deleted and the <br />following substituted in lieu thereof: <br />"A "nonappropriation is defined as an occurrence in which, notwithstanding Lessee's best efforts and <br />exhaustion of all available administrative appeals, Lessee is not allotted line item funds for the payment of <br />Rent hereunder for a' Fiscal Period and Lessee has no other: funds from non -ad valorem sources legally <br />available to be allocated to the payment of its obligations under a Lease. Lessor acknowledges that Rent <br />is payable from sources other than ad valorem taxes." <br />2. Section 12. INSURANCE: The last sentence of Section 12 is deleted and the following substituted in lieu <br />thereof: <br />"Lessor consents to Lessee self-insuring with respect to the. above coverages. However, in the event <br />Lessee ceases 'to be self-insured, Lessee will comply with the provisions of this Section. To the <br />maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Lessee hereby indemnifies Lessor against, and holds <br />Lessor harmless from, and covenants to defend Lessor against, any and all losses, claims, liens, <br />encumbrances, actions, suits, damages,.obligations, and liabilities (and all costs and expenses including, <br />without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Lessor, in connection therewith) arising out of or <br />in any way related to Lessee's election to self -insure." <br />3. Section 16. REMEDIES: The text of Section 16(f) is deleted and the following substituted in lieu thereof: <br />"(f) take possession of any System wherever located, with demand and notice but without any court order <br />or any process by (as long as such actions will not be a breach of the peace)." <br />B. AMENDMENTS TO EACH EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE. Contemporaneously with entering into the Master <br />Lease/Purchase Agreement referenced above, Lessee and Lessor hereby agree to the following changes to each <br />Equipment Schedule to the Master Lease/Purchase Agreement: <br />1. Section 6 of each Schedule. SECURITY INTEREST; TITLE: The third sentence of Section 6 of each <br />Schedule entered into pursuant to this Agreement is deleted. <br />C. NO OTHER AMENDMENTS. Except as expressly modified hereby, all other terms and provision of the Master <br />Lease/Purchase Agreement referenced above and each Equipment Schedule thereto shall remain in full force and . <br />effect. <br />BSFS Equipment Leasing, A Component of General Electric Capital <br />Corporation <br />BY <br />Authorized Representative <br />PRINT NAME �1��eSV IL <br />DATE q/7.tJ/() <br />Indian River County <br />BY <br />Authorized Rep tative <br />PRINT NAME Caroline D. Ginn <br />TITLE Chairman DATE 05/04/2004 <br />Page 1 <br />