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RESOLUTION 2008- 033 <br />A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, <br />FLORIDA, IN OPPOSITION OF SENATE BILL 2406 <br />PROHIBITING LOCAL REGULATION OF LIMESTONE <br />AND LIME ROCK MINING. , <br />WHEREAS, limestone and lime rock are important elements needed for <br />concrete and road bases; and <br />WHEREAS, the mining of limestone and lime rock frequently takes place <br />for a period of twenty years or more and is conducted in several stages; and <br />WHEREAS, the mining of limestone and lime rock can severely impact <br />local roads, traffic and adjoining land uses; and <br />WHEREAS, there are significant safety considerations in the siting of <br />mines and determining haul routes as active mines are visited by hundreds of <br />dump trucks and rock hauling semi trucks each day; and <br />WHEREAS, the mining of limestone and lime rock can have a severe and <br />permanent impact on the surrounding environment, and <br />WHEREAS, because of the impacts to the local community and local <br />environment, decisions concerning the permitting of limestone and lime rock <br />mines should be made at a local level, <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: <br />1, The Board is opposed to Senate Bill 2406, <br />2, The Board is opposed <br />rock mining regulation, <br />to State preemption of limestone and lime <br />3, The Clerk to the Board <br />send certified copies of <br />delegation, the Governor, <br />Speaker of the House. <br />of County Commissioners is directed to <br />this resolution to our local Legislative <br />the President of the State Senate and the <br />This resolution was moved for adoption by Commissioner <br />and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Wheeler , and upon being <br />Davis <br />put to a vote, the vote was as follows. <br />