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P iT 18 IMPORTANT THAT THIS BOND 86 EXECUTED AND QUALIFICATION PAPERG COMPLETED WITHIN GIXTY DAYS AFTER ELECTION <br />1 <br />-Bond <br />'e <br />STATE OF FLORIDA <br />County of INDIAN RIVER <br />4 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That We, SAM T. JOYCE <br />as principal, and THE HOME INDEMNITY COMPANY <br />as sureties <br />are held and firmly bound unto the Governor of the Stato of Florida, and his successors in office, <br />in the sum of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS <br />lawful money, for the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves„ our and each of <br />our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. <br />Sealed with our seals, and dated this 17th day of NOVEMBER 19 Z . <br />Ile condition of the above obligation is such, That whereas, the above bounden <br />SAM T. JOYCE was, on the 2nd day of November, <br />A. D. 19_Z6 , elected SHERIFF OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FLORIDA <br />to hold his office for the term of four years from the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January, A. D. <br />19-17 <br />, and until his successor is qualified according to the Constitution and laws of this State. <br />Now, therefore, if the said SAM T. JOYCE shall faithfully <br />perform the duties of his said office, as provided by law, then this obligation to be void, else to be and remain <br />In full force and virtue. <br />Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of ust <br />(:. . S.) <br />�'.. Surety <br />DEC 11976 <br />The above bond is approved this 1$t .. day of <br />/ � wu>ny vommisawaera. <br />The above bond is approved this ...,.M..... day of 19......., <br />Comptroller. <br />e <br />