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' MITI <br />rigN <br />PRESS JOURNAL <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />1801 U.S. 1, Vero Beach, FL 32960 <br />AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br />STATE OF FLORIDA <br />COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER <br />Before the undersigned authority personally appeared, Karen Trego, who on oath says that she is a <br />Classified Legal Advertising Representative of the Press Journal, a daily newspaper published at Vero Beach <br />in Indian River County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in the Press Journal In <br />the following issues below. Affiant further says that the said Press Journal is a newspaper published at <br />Vero Beach in said Indian River County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been <br />continuously published in said Indian River County, Florida daily and distributed in Indian River County, <br />Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of attached copy of advertisement; <br />and affiant further says that she.. has neither., paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, <br />rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the <br />said newspaper. The Press Journal has been entered as second class matter at the Post Office in Vero Beach, <br />Indian River County, Florida and has been for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of <br />the attached copy of advertisement. <br />Ad # Billing [Jame <br />470 53.5 d L C. P <br />Date(s) Matter 0 <br />iJ '7�a'f <br />(0,1" <br />Su scrib d and sworn to me before this date: <br />/ .Z1/64 <br />Notary Publi <br />BEVERLY M. KEEHNER <br />My-Comtp_ Exp. ,10/8/04 <br />No. CC 973628 <br />( <br />personally 14taien I 1 Other I.D. <br />t>_ <br />�,0120��NoncE a <br />NOTICE; 0F,` -/0i <br />P086IC'HEARING <br />ofleanng <br />tri arpeUtion for <br />l described as follow .„.; <br />AL1,,THATAPORTI0N OF <br />29th,,STR EET ftJULIETTE <br />PLANE) ;TA 95 MRIGHTV96 <br />;' WA'I LKINGGBEINE EN <br />,YATTHEJSOUTHTEN DOF. <br />i.6 <br />0F4WAY.`LINEiOF162Nd <br />DRIVErAND THE WEST= <br />''1' ERLYrrR10HTOF, WAY <br />I k'LINE OF 62ndAVENUE; <br />§'PA STREET SMOWN <br />ON THE;PLAT.OF8068 , <br />.:.1v1 LAN DtHOMESITESi- <br />AS RECORDED IN P,,LAT <br />800161;4 FAGE't33 OF,; <br />.THEgUBLIC;,.RECORDS <br />OFrIN:D;IAN RI':VrER <br />COUNTY••r',SAID P,;b8- <br />:TION BEING •MORE'FAR- <br />ITICULARLY DESCRIBED <br />• S ,COMMENCING AT <br />..THE:: SOUTH W ESEE;COR <br />` NER OF;THE EAST -10!34'. <br />ACRESOF THE WEST;' <br />2034 ACRES OF TRACT` <br />10r THAN. s89 56559E; <br />AL ON V,TH EiXS0U;1H • <br />L'IN E;;OF,tTRACT.;1!OHA' <br />0ISTANCEiOFz35 F.EET., <br />TO THE:WEST LINEOF <br />LOIV, 9? EX,TENDE;D., <br />SOUT;HE'RLY.?si"SAID'. <br />?POINTBEING",POINT 0F. <br />:BEGINNING,yt.T:HENCE. <br />NO0,17 32E;£ALONGTHE <br />••j:EXTENDED;WEST>.LINE <br />OF LOTR9 'A•-01STANCE`• <br />-;`OF35`-;VTOrTHE'S0,0TH. <br />,WEST ACOR NERIOFSAID' <br />.cOTF 9.' -THENCE,, 58956 <br />%59E ALONGTHErSOUTH ` <br />LINE:OFLOT S'AND`LOT, <br />.1:0;_ADISTA'NCE;iOF <br />'270:0Q2F,EET.-'TO/PHE, <br />SOUTHEAS;TyCORNER' <br />OF SA`ID LOTr41-0':. <br />THENCES00 17,32W'. <br />r'ALONG'F-THEeEASTLINE. <br />.,0F llOT;'.,10 EXTENDED• <br />;SOUTHERL/;;A,';'DIS <br />TANCE OF.Y35 FEETITO= <br />`A POrN/r/oN THE• <br />SOUTH¢LINE OFrSAID; <br />f.0-Tx:80 ;PHENCE; <br />;N8956;5,9WiFALON G. <br />THE SOUTH 4CINEC%iOE. <br />SAID:TRACT 10rAdDIS.-`,: <br />.TANCE yoF,t270.008EET <br />fT0 THE/POINT -0F,%BE-- <br />sGINNING'`:xSAID:ROR <br />?TION ,L,Y,INGIN;SEc- <br />r TION 32aTOWNSHIP'32 <br />SOUTH/?RANGE<39 <br />EASr.r lNDIANs RIVER. <br />'COUN1 FLORIDA u{ -,•'y„, <br />SAID PARCEL' CONTAINS) <br />=9,45.0:00 __SOUAREr,'FEET,. <br />•MORE OR,LESS w <br />A <br />pc h <br />ubliearing et which. <br />parties Aiii.i tit erestaand; <br />cltIzens efiall have 8n'. <br />opportunityrto betheard. <br />wtl l,,-ba4held b,y4ttie <br />'Board of/;County.Co'm= <br />:tmissionera of Indian, <br />`River County FloridaiJn <br />•:the County'Commission' <br />I, Chambera:!of the County.; <br />: <br />