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agents, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and/or subconsultants are not agents of the <br />DEPARTMENT as a result of this Agreement for purposes other than those .set out in <br />Section 337:274, Florida Statutes. <br />E. Recipients of state funds are to have audits done annually using the following <br />criteria:" <br />State awards will be identified using the Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) title <br />and number, award number and :year; .and name of the awarding-State;agency. <br />In the event that the recipient expends a total amount of State, awards (i.e., State financial <br />assistance provided to the recipient to carry out a State project) equal to or in excess of <br />$500,000 in any, fiscal . year .of such.. recipient,.; the recipient must have.ta State ;single or. <br />r: s <br />project -specific audit fouch,fiscal year in accordance with,:Section. 215.97, Florida:, Statutes, <br />applicable rules of the Executive Office of the Go vernor and the Comptroller, and Chapter <br />10.600, Rules of the Auditor. General <br />In connection with the audit requiremts`enaddressed' in the paragraph above, the recipient <br />shall ensure that the audit complies with' the requirements of Section `215:97(7), Florida <br />Statutes. This includes submission of a reporting package as defined by Section <br />215.97(2)(d), .Florida Statutes, and Chapter 10:600, Rules 'of the Auditor General. <br />If the recipient expends less; than,$500;000 1 State awards in`'its°fiscal year, -an audit <br />conducted ih accordance with:the°'provisions=of Section:.215.97,:;Florida:;Statutes, is not <br />required. In the event 'that •the recipient expends less-than$50'0,000 im.State awards in its <br />fiscal year and elects to,have art audit conducted: in° accordance :with ,,the. provisions of <br />Section 21`597, Florida Statutes, the cost:of the audit must be'paid from non-State_funds <br />(i.e., the cost of such an audit•-mustbe:paid 4rom""recipiehtfUnds,.obtained from other than <br />State entities). <br />Reporting ;Packages :and management letters generated from audits conducted in <br />accordance with Section 215.97, F;londa=Statutes, and:Chapter 10 60.0, Rules of the Auditor <br />General shall be submitted to the awarding FDOT office, by the recipient, within 30 days of <br />receiving. it:. The afore mentioned.;items tare received bythe appropriate.FDOT office <br />no later, than 9 months after the end of: the recip;ient's fiscal year. <br />The recipient shall follow up and take corrective action on audit findings. Preparationof a <br />summary schedule of prior year audit findings, including corrective action and current status <br />of the audit finding is required. Current year audit findings require corrective action and <br />status of finding. <br />Project'records shall'' be retained and available fOr°at least`5 years.frorn the datethe audit <br /> issued Records related' to>unresolvedauditfindings,. appeals; or litigation shall be <br />retained until the action is completedor7the.dispute is resolved :Access to project records <br />and audit workpapers shall be given FDOT, the Comptroller, and the Office-Of'the=Auditor <br />General. <br />Therecipient shall submit required audit documentation asfoliows: <br />A Financial Reporting. Package of audits conducted in. accordance with Section 215.97, <br />Florida Statutes, and Chapter 10.600, Rulesof the Auditor General shall be sent to: <br />6 OF 9 <br />