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lad. l'n conai&,a Ation for i,.-.-: of vil-z crossing and in recognition <br />of the exepos uxe to hAnaard of the: Operaa'. ir.:-r a tht, Railway by reason of the <br />Constrsction, maintv�nancw the twee of as id crossing, the Licensee does hereby <br />release and agree to indeensnify s:skl szvt, Railway hanrmler's frons and against <br />all liabilities, claainss, coa'tsss AMI ex-x::a171'5ass for loss or daamaag* to the property <br />off either party hereto or oP third and for injuries; to or deaths of <br />Licensee, or the agents, a mployecA or inviteas of Licensee or third persons <br />or the employee ss of Railway esssa:ed by 0::arixing out of the presence, <br />maintenance, use or removal of sra,'.d ca:onsing, regardless of any negligence <br />or alleged negligence on the psaxt of e:ny casAployeo of the Railway. <br />11. Licensee cov€naants to pay Railway all costs of supervision, labor <br />and material incurred by Raailw :y in ss >ervissinq, protecting and restoring the <br />property of the Railwty by xe±aaon of oyr=atioan of Licensee. <br />f III. That this agreement shall be birJAng ugso% the successors or the heirs <br />s assiTne of Licesnnoo and none e--? tS.i, cavenaants oir agreremants herein contained <br />shall, be waived or modified except by b:.nh parties hereto in xmiting and no <br />&RXeged vor:,al waiver ov modification c0hnl1 be binding under any circumstances, <br />13. License agrvoo to pay FIMO.. T y, v.pon the axecu'tion sand delivery of <br />thisagroomeent, the r.2caeo,%ry &moeent of documentary stamp taxes required to <br />be affixed to this agreemant undrcr> the lawn of the thiteedd States of America, <br />the State of Florida; or botho <br />24. Lice nce@ asge:eass> that, if Leicesa-,ye is heroin required to pay unto <br />Railway any sum of money as may be sspscimiead on first page horeof, Licensee <br />will prey tanto Railway the sske of ��ynr� in cash in ,advance for each year <br />rots which this agreement may be re(eaevrod or may vemain in effect beyond one <br />year from date her f. <br />i <br />15. Licensee agneas that it will, at its.axrnnsa, adjust �tsa said <br />facilitlea to any physical changa or iti ns made at any tire by the Railvmy <br />In Its trw—kap or the faacilitlea on, or its. property at this locaation. <br />lb. License* agrees that its facilities @haall bra installed and maintained <br />bp and at %na ex no- of Lice nes- i in as that will not at any tis- be <br />as agar to or Intorferee with the cage and eafficieant operation of the Railwaayesa <br />trackaa or cquip=nt t:caar'ean, that such work ahall be subjact a t all times to <br />the aappravml eg an r-Psthoxised• rrcprecon-taative of the Railway. <br />Va if Licensee Ue a Municipality ar a ptZlic or gmaoi pOlie corporation <br />thTn it aag�zteess that no er other charges of any naatc=e whatsoever <br />eh&IR be-lozyfed cc m and* agsainats t;ho Railway or against Its property on <br />Mat of the insUllatimi cc existences aX Licances e'sss faclUtiesa ut this <br />tIC=. e <br />too nth Wtiesa hog acXQ6 that U. -V pr€oviss4 ass of mnsaral spacifficationa <br />cc nvd p�%-'Zq ant£tls , M— PUL = Pim,- mossncs uA"-= Tmhcrs <br />WO AC=9 raAll YaR 9rGNT OF VAT FM h -FUWAM A �C1'c�,"�rmcas'', attached <br />beffe4o and made a part L-4sRoof 0 s ball apply to tha work of and rights mid <br />paivilpages harms givm to L.icanaze e <br />$t. It Ors f= efr 0-taftAlly umdoratmad &V4 morcel by and b&tman the Wtiess <br />TOtO that said subgvada crosa£nji InstaalLn.tion *hall be marked by the erection <br />Of a aauita-ble Emmment Z=atm an a4ph @ij--q of tha Raailwayess right of way, <br />i.1 in aecordamea withailwa ylg staid attached General, Spea lficationa. <br />JAN 191977 <br />'- . 331 <br />