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COMMUN)TY DEVELOPHiENT PLAN SUMMARY <br />(SWEMENT OF NEEDS) <br />3. NAME OF APPLICANT <br />2. APPLICATION NUMBER 3. ORIGINAL <br />AMENDMFNT <br />Indian River County, Florida <br />4. PROGRAM YEAR iEntit/ementAppIkontsOntyl <br />FROM: 7/1/77 TO: 6/30/78 <br />A• 1 Need for basic street and drainage improvements essential to the conservation <br />-of the housing stock in low and moderate income areas of the County. <br />Residential substandardness and blight are most prevalent in ED's 3,4,5,6,1; & <br />49 comprising,the areas commonly known'as Gifford, Wabasso and Oslo. <br />The prevalence of unsurfaced, potholed, dirt streets and poor drainage condi- <br />tions in the above areas are particularly detrimental to the expansion, or con- <br />-servation and upgrading of existing, low or moderate income housing. The <br />conditions tend to inhibit normal maintenance efforts and limit private incen- <br />tive to upgrade housing and neighborhood environs. . <br />All of the above ED's, but parti^ularly ED's 4,5 and 6 (Gifford) contain very. <br />-high concentrations of minority group members, housing substandardness, inade- <br />quate public facilities and blight. These areas are all known to be primarily <br />populated by low and moderate income persons. <br />Dsta&ourao: Neighborhood Analysis, Indian River County, 1972 <br />A- 2 Need for removal of vacant, dilapidated residential structures'. <br />There exist, throughout the'County, but particularly in ED's.3,4,5,6, 11 and <br />49, a number of dwelling units which are unsafe for human habitation. Due to <br />the low incomes of many of the owners of these units, the cost of demolition <br />would be an economic hardship. There is the need to assist these persons in <br />the demolition of those structures that are presently vacant, or as they become <br />vacant, in order to prevent their further occupancy and eliminate these blight- <br />ing influences. <br />D,u s,ut,,: Neighborhood Analysis, Indian River County, 1972 <br />A 3 Need for rehabilitation of substandard dwellings in low and moderate income area <br />At the present time it is estimated that approximately 19% of the housing units <br />in the unincorporated portions of the County are structurally substandard. The <br />1972 Structural Conditions Windshield Survey revealed that the greatest concen- <br />trations of substandardness are located in ED's 4 and 5 in which were located <br />43% of all such designated units. <br />Substandard units accounted for greater than 50% of the housing inventory of <br />ED's 3,4,5,6, and 11. <br />Uatasource: CD Application, 1976/77; Neighborhood Analysis, 1972 <br />page -1 of I Pages <br />MAR 2 1977 <br />F 29 •_ 1?9 <br />