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lo® <br />1 <br />South of North Winter Beach Road, North of the South County line. West of the <br />Atlantic Ocean and East of I-95 including the City of Vero Beach, will be provided <br />by a water supply plant and wastewater treatment and disposal facility owned and <br />operated by the City of Vero Beach. The City would sell water and sewage <br />services to the County at agreed-upon charges and rates as stipulated herein. <br />The County would in turn retail these services to Cow.., residents. In the early <br />years. County will endeavour to concentrate effort toward service in the <br />Region IL Phase I area. <br />3. OVERALL SYSTEM RESPONSIBILITIES <br />The County will assume the responsibility for gravity sewerage collection systems. <br />pump stations, transmission lines, and accessories for service areas within <br />the County as necessary to transport County sewage to the City treatment plant. <br />The County will also assume the•responsibility for the water distribution system <br />within the County and receive treated water from the City treatment plant. <br />The City shall provide a sewage wastewater treatment and disposal facility and a <br />water supply and treatment plant adequate to n det both City and County needs. <br />but shall not be obligated to make capital improvements for capacity increases. <br />except as hereinafter stated under "Term of Agreement". <br />The County and City will cooperate In projecting service area populations and <br />developing water and sewerage phase construction programs. <br />4. SERVICE AREA DELINEATION <br />in addition to the area within the City Limits of Vero Beach, the City shall provide <br />complete water and sewer service to the beach area of the County, bounded by the <br />Northern boundary of Indian River Shores as presently constituted and by the <br />County line on the south. It is the intent of the County to provide all water and <br />sewer services to the mainland portion of the County. except within areas where <br />the City now (January 1973) provides water and sewer service. <br />The right of the City to er'sr into interim alleements for water and/or sewer <br />service, or both, within areas outside that defined hereinabove for the City. <br />shall be subject to approval from the County and tri -partite agreements between <br />the customer, the City and the County shall be entered into, in each such instance. <br />-3- <br />5. SALE OF CITY'S WATER DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES <br />In the Mainland portion of the County, where the City owns water distribution <br />facilities and supplies water services only, the City may sell those facilities <br />to the County, subject to the Bond Ordinance, and within one year after written <br />request from the Cc mty, at a price which shall be negotiated, but not more than <br />the present-day replacement cost, as determined by the City's Consulting <br />Engineers, less 3 1 '3% depreciation per year from the date of Installation. Since <br />such a disposition of assets is governed by the Bond Ordinance, a certification <br />from its Consulting Engineers that the City's ability to meet its obligations will <br />not be impaired by a itch sale is a prerequisite to negotiations for the sale. <br />fi. WATER AND SEW ^c_ t INTERFACES <br />A. Sewerage_ <br />It is anticipated that the County will construct at its expense all waste transmission <br />lines and a master tteter for delivering County sewage to the influent structure <br />at the treatment plait site. The City will receive the waste at the treatment <br />plant. Peri. Me me er calibration checks by the City and the County shall be <br />authorized. The Ci: y will provide all necessary assistance to the County in <br />Obtaining all easements, rights-of-way, etc. as required for the County to <br />Install transmission lines and accessories, within the City limits at no expense <br />to the City. Ownership and maintenance responsibilities of the County -installed <br />facilities within the City shall be decided within the legal framework of the <br />respective governm-mts. <br />B. WATER SUPPLE <br />The City will delive., treated water at a specified pressure to the County on a <br />metered basis at they water treatment plant. The County shall at its expense <br />install a master me or and transmission lines from the plant to the City limits. <br />Periodic meter caligation checks by the Qty and the County shall be authorized. <br />The City will provide all necessary assistance to the County In obtaining all <br />easements, rights-uf-way, etc. as required for the County to install transmission <br />lines and acces»u i -is within the City limits at no expense to the City. Ownership <br />and maintenance responsibilities of the County -installed facilities within the City <br />shall be decided within the legal framework of the respective governments. <br />0 <br />Con <br />C-) <br />M2 <br />s <br />