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MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1977 <br />THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY ACTING <br />AS THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE LAURELWOOD STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT, <br />MET AT THE COURTHOUSE, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, AT 9:25 O'CLOCK A.M. <br />PRESENT WERE WILLIAM C. WODKTE, JR., CHAIRMAN; ALMA LEE Loy, VICE <br />CHAIRMAN; WILLARD W. SIEBERT, JR.; EDWIN S. $CHMUCKER; AND R. DON <br />DEESON. ALSO PRESENT WERE GEORGE G. COLLINS JR., ATTORNEY TO THE <br />BOARD OF SUPERVISORS; WILLIAM P. JACKSON, FINANCE OFFICER; AND <br />VIRGINIA HARGR.EAVES,DEPUTY CLERK. <br />THE HOUR OF 9:00 O'CLOCK A.M. HAVING PASSED, THE DEPUTY CLERK <br />READ THE FOLLOWING NOTICE WITH PROOF OF PUBLICATION ATTACHED, TO - <br />WIT.' <br />VERO BEACH PRESS -JOURNAL <br />Published Weekly <br />Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida <br />COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVFR: <br />STATE OF FLORIDA <br />Bafau the wMenignmd authority persewiiy aPpftmd J. J. Schumann, it. whe on oath <br />.aYs that M b B�sneas Mmager of the Vero Breach Press li—ti, a —kly -Wipe, publ,yhed <br />at Vena Beach in trdbn Rini Cowry, Florida; that the atmched copy of adore"--,. [clog <br />In the <br />/m no, of 11 <br />Sy Court wait pub. <br />VOW in"r o."P. M th. bums of <br />/x177 <br />Aft= says that the acid Vero Bexh Press•loumal b a rrewswwr Published ae <br />Vep Bcaeh, in said InGen River Camry, and that the said paper has herere/ore <br />bean eonnnuoualy pubiishod in said Indian Rimer CamtV, Fbrida, weekly and las bean entered <br />for <br />as teeernd ebu mail matter et da post office 0,V— 8mach, M acid [Mian Rimer County M -ids <br />ffi a period o1 year neq preceeding rhe W.blicaYon p! the attached copy of adver• <br />tbmmmt• and a/[ant further lays that hx has neither paid nor promised a y parson, firm or <br />aaporctiin any dhcounr, rebore, commrtion or refund for the purpose of securing thb ad— <br />fbement for publiutipn is the said nervspapor. <br />S.orn to and submibed before me dds 12 i/c• j�+YY �' " �d <br />ii�rc,� <br />ice�.ia raan�'�En) <br />GEAU (Cleric of thu ChcMt Court Indian River.lyonty, Fbrida! <br />12 <br />SEP 40) 6 1977 <br />NOTICE <br />or - <br />TAF E MC 2A <br />The Board of County Comm-nission- <br />ors, Indian Pliver Counti , Florida, <br />on b9half of Lourelwood Street <br />Lighting District propose. to in- <br />crease your property te>;ues from <br />zero to one (1) mill. <br />A public hear€ng on the in crease <br />will bo hold on b`4ondcay, Sopterwber <br />26, 1977 of 9:00 A.PA. in the County <br />Commissionors meetin0 roman in <br />the Indian River County Court- <br />house. <br />September 2S, 1977 , <br />MOK 31 PAu� 146 <br />