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4 ` USTJA-FmHA <br />Form FmIlA442-19 MODIFICATION NUMBER 2 TO <br />® (Rev. 1-28-77) AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES <br />DATED DECEMBER 20, 1972 <br />THIS MODIFICATION, made this ---- —Sth day of October <br />by and between Indian Rivei County Board of County Commissioners ,hereafter, <br />Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates, Inc, and Beindorf and Associates, Inc. A JOINT VENTURE <br />referred to as the OWNER, and _ _ <br />hereinafter referred to as the ENGINEER: <br />The OWNER intends to construct a water pumping station, transmission line and elevated storage tank <br />Indian River_ County, State of __ Florida _ which <br />may be paid for in part with financial assistance from the United States of America, acting through the Farmers Home <br />Administration of the United States Department of Agriculture, hereinafter referred to as FmHA, pursuant to the <br />Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, (7 U.S.C. 1921 et seq.) and the ENGINEER agrees to perform the various <br />professional engineering services required for the design and construction of said system. <br />WITNESSETH: <br />That for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises between the parties hereto, it is hereby agreed: <br />SECTION A — ENGINEERING SERVICES <br />Ian <br />The ENUINEEK shall turntsn oasic engineering services as rurruws: - <br />The ENGINEER will conduct preliminary investigations required to determine project feasibility. <br />2.: GINEER will prepare preliminary drawings and cost estimates. <br />3. The ENGIN ' will prepare a preliminary engineering report following FmHA instructions an es. <br />4. The ENGINEER wi h 10 copies of the preliminary engineering report, cost est' s, and layout maps to the <br />OWNER. <br />5. The ENGINEER will attend conference the OWNER and rept e a Ives of the FmHA and other interested <br />parties. <br />6. After the preliminary engineering report has been wedgy FmHA and the OWNER directs the ENGINEER to <br />proceed, the ENGINEER will perform the ssary design surr eys, accomplish the detailed design of the project, <br />prepare detailed drawings, specific and contract documents, and make.a final cost estimate based on the final <br />design for the entire syste s also understood that if subsurface explorations such as borings, soil tests and the like <br />are required to d me amounts of rock excavation or foundation conditions, the ENGINEER will furnish <br />supervision aid explorations without additional charge, but the costs incident to such explorations, no matter <br />wh t ey are performed by the ENGINEER or by others, shall be paid for by the OWNER as set out irl ion D <br />ereof. <br />7. The contract documents furnished by the ENGINEER under Section A-6 above shall utilize FmHA-endorsed standard <br />construction contract documents, including FmHA Supplemental Ueneral Conditions, Contract Unange uraers ana <br />partial payment estimates. All of these documents shall be subject to FmHA approval. <br />8. Prior to the advertisement for bids, the ENGINEER for each contract will provide not to exceed 10 copies of detailed <br />drawings, specifications, and contract documents for use of the OWNER, FmHA, and the appropriate Federal, State, <br />and local agencies from whom approval of the project must be obtained. The cost of such drawings, specifications, and <br />contract documents shall be included in the basic compensation paid to the ENGINEER. <br />9. The ENGINEER will furnish additional copies of the drawings, specifications and contract documents as required by <br />prospective bidders, material suppliers, and other interested parties, but may charge for the actual cost of such copies. <br />Upon award of each contract, the ENGINEER will furnish to the OWNER five sets of the drawings, specifications and <br />contract documents for execution. The cost of these sets shall be included in the basic compensation paid to the <br />ENGINEER. Original documents, survey notes, tracings, and the like, except those furnished to the ENGINEER by the <br />OWNER, are and shall remain the property of the ENGINEER. <br />10. The drawings prepared by the ENGINEER under the provisions of Section A-6 above shall be in sufficient detail to <br />permit the actual location of the proposed improvements on the ground. The ENGINEER shall prepare and furnish to <br />the OWNER without any additional compensation, three copies of a map showing the needed construction easements <br />and permanent easements and the land to be acquired. Property surveys, property. plats, legal descriptions, and <br />negotiations for land rights shall be accomplished by the OWNER, unless the OWNER requests the ENGINEER to <br />perform these services. In the event the ENGINEER is requested to perform such services and make detailed surveys, <br />the ENGINEER shall be additionally compensated as set out in Section D hereof. <br />Position 6 <br />l FmHA 442-19 (Rev. 1-28-77) <br />GT o 1977 <br />t <br />w 9pi ' <br />e <br />