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DESCRIPTION OF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT <br />Consisting of a 7 foot wide parcel (north/south) that is 400 feet in length (east/west) and <br />located adjacent to the northwest portion of the part taken, Parcel 163; beginning <br />adjacent to the northwest portion of the proposed part taken and also includes an <br />adjacent 15 foot by 30 foot parcel adjacent to the northwest 7 foot by 400 foot parcel, <br />consisting of 3,250 square feet or 0.0746 acres. <br />jEXHIBIT <br />"B"i <br />DESCRIPTION OF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT <br />Consisting of a 7 foot wide parcel (north/south) that is 400 feet in length (east/west) and <br />located adjacent to the northwest portion of the part taken, Parcel 163; beginning <br />adjacent to the northwest portion of the proposed part taken and also includes an <br />adjacent 15 foot by 30 foot parcel adjacent to the northwest 7 foot by 400 foot parcel, <br />consisting of 3,250 square feet or 0.0746 acres. <br />