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INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT <br />TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION <br />TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MAINTAINED BY INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />!�lijiM'R►�ITi Ic <br />VIII. TRAFFIC CALMING <br />ROADWAY FROM TO CALMING DEVICE <br />1, 54t" Avenue SR 60 25th Street Speed Humps <br />2. 53�� Avenue SR 54 25th Street Speed Humps <br />3. 34`x' Avenue 45`h Street 49th Street Speed Humps <br />Ta be considered far traffic calming measures, a County roadway must be a paved, straight and uncontrolled <br />residential street at least ane -half mile long, and exhibit the following characteristics. Uncontrolled is <br />defined as containing no STOP signs, traffic signals or other traffic control devices. County arterials, <br />collectors, and other thoroughfare plan roadways designed to promote traffic flaw will not be considered. <br />Characteristics (street meets three ar mare of the fallowing}: <br />1. High speed —average vehicle speeds greater than 35 miles per hour <br />2. Heavy traffic —traffic volume greater than 1000 vehicles per day <br />3. Cut-thru traffic —greater than 50°lo cut-tl�ru traff e <br />4. Crash history —pattern of traffic crashes that would be alleviated by traffic calming measures <br />5. Pedestrians —within one -mile proximity of school, park or recreation area with high pedestrian <br />activity <br />Once a location has been determined by the Public Works Director to be eligible far traffic <br />calming measures, one or mare of the following measures may be applied: <br />1. Speed limit enforcement by appropriate law enforcement agency <br />2. 4 -way STOP control if warrants are met as contained within the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control <br />Devices <br />3. Speed humps <br />4. Roundabout, small traffic circles, chicanes or other geometric features to slow traffic, if adequate <br />right -of --way is donated to the County <br />Prior to implementing #3 or #4 above, a petition demonstrating two-thirds (57%} neighborhood <br />consensus must be received and verified. <br />