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c - <br />P • _. <br />CERTIFIC%TZ OF RLCO DING OFI'ICER <br />The undersigned H'-'rZBY CERTiFIE3 that: <br />1. Me is the lily appointed, qualified, and acting <br />Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners <br />•(herein called the oar ), and k_c=er of the <br />records thereof, including the minutes of its proceedings; <br />. 2. The annexed copy of extracts from ".e minutes o -f <br />the Special 23 meeting of the Board <br />-held on the day of January 19 78 , is <br />a true, corse -t, and compared coPy of the whole of the original <br />tainutes of said mr.eti::g on filt and o_ record -insofar as the <br />same relate to the resolution referred -to in said extracts and <br />to the other matters referred to therein; <br />X. Said meeting was duly convened in conformity. with <br />• all apiilicab?e re^nzire-nsnts; a Urn -per quorum was present through- <br />out said meeting and t*.--- .resolution hereinafter mentioned was <br />duly proposed, considered, and adooted in conformity with acali- <br />•cable requirements: and all other requirements and eroceedings <br />ineid,2nt to the proper adcnt:on of said resolution have been duiv <br />fulfilled, carried out, and otherwise observed;. <br />4. SHe is duly.authorized to execute this Certificate: <br />and <br />.5. The copy of the resolution annexed hereto entitled: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 78-7 <br />A'Resolution authorizing the issuance of not exceeding $402,500 <br />water and sewer revenue bonds, series 1979, aniticipation notes <br />of Indian River County, Florida; providing for the payment there- <br />of and entering into certain covenants and agreements with the <br />holders thereof. <br />is a tr"e, correct, and ccmpared cony of the original resolution <br />refel:red tc in sa'?.4 e::tracts and as'iinally adoctcd at said mee:�- <br />ing and, t:c th^ extent required by la'•J, as thereafter duly si=ncd <br />or approved by the proper officer or oif Kers of the <br />Board <br />which resolution is on file and of- record. <br />WITIMSS my nand and the seal of the Clerk <br />this 23 day o7 January 1978 <br />(: 1:AL.) <br />Vie' <br />Freda Wright, Glerk <br />JAN 231979 <br />MOK 33 PAGE 4j3 <br />I <br />