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r; <br />Pio. 1 $100,000.00 <br />UNITED STATES OF AMERICA <br />STATE OF FLORIDA <br />COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER <br />WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1979 <br />ANTICIPATION NOTE <br />FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the County of Indian River, Florida <br />(the "Issuer"), hereby promises to ,pay to the order of First Citrus <br />Bank of Indian River County, at its principal office in the City of <br />Vero Beach, Florida, on or before September 30, 1978 in lawful money <br />of the United States of America, the principal sum of One Hundred Thousand <br />Dollars ($100,000), plus accrued interest at the rate of six per centum <br />(6%) per annum. <br />This Note is issued pursuant to the Constitution and laws <br />of the State of Florida, particularly Chapters 1.25 and 215.431, Florida <br />Statutes (1975), and Resolutions duly.adopted by the Issuer on January 23, <br />1978, in anticipation of the receipt by the Issuer of the proceeds from <br />the sale of not exceeding $402,500 principal amount of Water and Sewer <br />Revenue Bonds, Series 1979, of the Issuer (the "Bonds"). This Note and <br />the interest due thereon are payable from and secured by a prior lien upon <br />and a pledge of the proceeds to be derived from the sale of the Bonds,and, <br />if necessary, from and secured by a prior lien upon-and'a pledge of the <br />gross revenues to be derived from the operation of the Issuer's water and <br />sewer system, all in the manner provided in the Resolutions, or in the <br />alternative, said Note is secured by other County funds now on hand. <br />This Note may constitute a general obligation of the Issuer <br />in the event Bond proceeds are not available at the time of maturity. <br />It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, <br />conditions and things required to exist, to happen and to be performed ' <br />precedent to and in connection with the issuance of this Note, exist, <br />have happened, and have been performed in regular and due form and <br />time as required by the laws and. Constitution of the State of Florida <br />applicable thereto; and that the issuance of this Note and of the <br />-a a <br />A ��,o 33 PAc,F 408 <br />