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RESOLUTION NO* 2013m 1.08 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR THE <br />SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION ON OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY FROM 8TH STREET TO 20TH STREET WITH <br />THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br />WHEREAS, the State %J Florida, Department of Transportation and Indian River <br />County have entered into a LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT on May 22, 2012, in which <br />the State of Florida, Department of Transportation agreed to provide funding to the County in <br />connection with the sidewalk construction on Old Dixie Highway from 8th Street to 201h Street in <br />Indian River County, Florida for FM# 425710=1-58-01 and hereinafter referred to as the <br />PROJECT in the amount of $934,475.00 and then entered into a SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT <br />on November 20, 2012, for reduction of funds in the amount of $586,444.13 for the <br />aforementioned project, resulting in remaining funds of $347,930.87. <br />WHEREAS, the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, has now <br />requested Indian River County execute and deliver to the State of Florida, Department of <br />Transportation, this SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT, for addition of funds in the amount of <br />$37,473.97 for the aforementioned project, resulting in available funds in the amount of <br />385,404.87. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BOARD OF <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: <br />1. Approves SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT to the LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT <br />(FM # 4257104-58-01) between State of Florida, Department of Transportation and <br />Indian River County; and <br />2. Authorizes the Chairman to execute SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT; and <br />3. Directs the County Engineer to transmit the executed SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT to <br />the State of Florida, Department of Transportation. <br />THIS RESOLUTION was offered by Commissioner Davis <br />The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fl <br />eschar <br />upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: <br />Commissioner Peter D. O'Bryan Ave <br />Commissioner Wesley S. Davis �� <br />Commissioner Bob Solari dye <br />Commissioner Joseph E. Flescher AVP_ <br />Commissioner Tim Zorc Ave <br />who moved its adoption. <br />,and <br />F:\Public Works\ENGINEERING DIVISION PROJECTS\1102-Old Dixie Hwy Swk 8th St to SR 60-LAP\Admim\agenda items\BCC Agn Resolution FDOT Supp Agree 09-17-2013.doc <br />