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11 <br />ON MOTION BY COMMISSIONER DEESON, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER <br />SCHMUCKER, THE BOARD UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED RESOLUTION 78-24 DESIGNATING <br />CHAIRMAN WODTKE, COMMISSIONER Loy, AND FREDA WRIGHT, CLERK, TO SIGN <br />ON THE ANTI -RECESSION TITLE II PUBLIC WORKS BANK ACCOUNT. <br />�RT*:�SO;T,TTTTON TJOa 78-24 <br />n ii`4hlt� jO� )F 1 14 F*j?("Nfs+ 4 uthnrZt to open deposit account <br />First Citrus Bank of Indian River County, Vero Beach, Florida - <br />1 I1F.RF:IIY CERTIFY that 1 am the duly dednl and qualified&osctarq olBoard of <br />County Commissioners Anti -Recession Title II Public <br />Works <br />and the kreper of the records and torpnrme seal of said coil—ation and that the following is a true <br />and costett copy of a resolution duly adupttd at a regular meeting of the lrumd of directors of said <br />Vero <br />i <br />eor{whition held in accordance with the by -lases of said corporation at its offim at <br />D[•ii('CI ^n the 5111 day of April —I,-z8— <br />Be i <br />,78Beit n•solved that the FIRST CITRUS BANK OF INDIAN RIN'lilt COUNTY. <br />VBRO III-' *MAI, FLORIDA, In- and it is hereby, dosignaied a delxositury of This corpora- <br />tion and that funds,so deposinaf tnry Ing withdrawn ul=.n a check, draft or order of the <br />corporation <br />Be it further resolved, that all checks, drafts or orders drawn against said account be signed by <br />aoy �e of the following: <br />Name William C. Wodtke, 'Jr, rift Chairman <br />Alma Lee Ino ? <br />Name y ,, Vice Chaimm- <br />Na^�e Title_. <br />1 <br />Name ride <br />and countersigned by any one of the following (if none so state): <br />Freda Wrigbt Clerk <br />rde <br />Name _ Tide <br />Whose signatures shall be duly certified to said bank, and that no checks. drafts or orders drawn against <br />said bank shall be valid unless so signed. <br />Be it further resolved, that said bank is hertby, authorized and directed to honor and pay any <br />checks, drafts, or orders so drawn, whether such checks, drafts, or orders orepayable to the -order of anv <br />such person signing and/or countersigninr said eherks, drafts or orders, or any of such persons in their <br />individual capacities or not, and wdoether such cherks, drafts or orders are deposited to the individual <br />credit of the person so sirnine and/or countersigning said chrcks, drifts o, orders, or to the individual 1 <br />credit of any of the other officers or not. This resolution shall continue in force and uid hank rn <br />consider the facts mneerning the holders of said r,lficm respectively, and their signauues to be a" <br />epntinue as set forth on the revtrn side of this card, until written notice to the contrary is duly se—, <br />on said bank. <br />In witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my name as secretary and have caused the corporate seal <br />oI said corporation to 6e hereto af(iacd this 5th day o April ty 78 <br />Imprint Stat Ater <br />Clerk <br />� <br />i. Virginia Hargreaves <br />do hereby certify that the foregoing is a cortex copy of a resolution adopted as above set forth. <br />M8.101 van ver see"tary <br />E <br />II <br />34 %A88 <br />I <br />