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t <br />ON MOTION BY COMMISSIONER Loy, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER <br />i <br />SIEBERT, THE BOARD UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR A <br />PERMIT TO CARRY A CONCEALED FIREARM OF GILBERT SWIGER AND J. RONNIE <br />GRICE. <br />THE BOARD DISCUSSED BUDGET AMENDMENTS RECOMMENDED BY THE <br />CLERK IN REGARD TO INCREASING CONTINGENCY RESERVES AND ASKED THE INTER- <br />GOVERNMENTAL COORDINATOR IF HE HAD REVIEWED THESE FIGURES. <br />INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATOR THOMAS STATED THAT HE HAS RE- <br />VIEWED THIS MATTER WITH FINANCE OFFICER BARTON AND BELIEVES THE FIGURES <br />ARE ACCURATE. HE NOTED THAT SINCE THESE FUNDS ARE NO LONGER NEEDED AS <br />COLLATERAL FOR THE LANDFILL BONDS AND WE ARE AT THAT POINT IN THE YEAR <br />WHERE WE ARE BEGINNING TO NEED SOME CONTINGENCY FUNDS, HE WOULD RECOM- <br />MEND THAT THE FUNDS BE TRANSFERRED AS SUGGESTED BY THE CLERK. <br />ON MOTION BY COMMISSIONER Loy, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER <br />SIEBERT, THE BOARD UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED BUDGET AMENDMENTS AS SET OUT <br />IN MEMO FROM THE CLERK DATED APRIL 19, 1978, AS FOLLOWS: <br />April 19, 1978 <br />TO: THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />SUBJECT: LANDFILL BOND RESERVE <br />During the time of your original budget preparation you were required <br />to set up a reserve to pay off your landfill construction loan in case the <br />long term financing failed for any reason. You did this by appropriating <br />a Landfill Loan Reserve in your General Fund in the amount of $1,381,320 <br />Including estimated accrued interest. This Reserve was funded by budgeting <br />transfers to the General Fund from the Road E Bridge and Fine b Forfeiture <br />Funds totaling $900,932. In addition, you deferred your appropriation <br />for the Contingency and Cash Forward Reserves in the General Fund and <br />reduced your appropriation for these reserves in the Road b Bridge and _ <br />Fine b Forfeiture Funds. <br />In January, just past, the. construction loan was successfully <br />refinanced with long term revenue bonds and the Landfill Loan Reserve is <br />no longer required. Accordingly, it is recommended that the landfill <br />Loan Reserve be dismantled. There are various combinations and methods <br />P which you might use to accomplish this, but the one that appears to me <br />to be in your best interest is as follows: <br />(a) Increase the Contingency Reserves in all three funds to <br />maximum. <br />(b) Keep $505,151 of the budgeted transfers in the General Fund. <br />(c) Return $78,082 of budgeted transfers to the Road & Bridge <br />Fund and $317,699 to the Fine b Forfeiture Fund. <br />(d) Establish the Cash Forward Reserve (end of year) in the <br />General Fund at the maximum, which is 20 of receipts, and <br />balances or $623,357. Revenue collections in the General Fund <br />are very light in the early months of the fiscal year. <br />(e) Establish the Cash Forward Reserve (end of year) in the <br />Road b Bridge Fund at about 101, or $235,900. The monthly <br />inflow of gasoline taxes and state revenue sharing will <br />permit you to budget at half the maximum. - <br />PIR 19 W-7 z <br />2 <br />