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Upon receipt of the budget, the budget shall be referred to a Court Administration <br />Budget Committee, which shall be composed of one (1) representative and an <br />alternate from each of the four (4) counties as appointed by each Board of County <br />Commissioners, respectively. The members of the Committee shall review the <br />proposed budget and may schedule meetings with the Chief Judge to discuss the <br />proposed budget. All meetings of the Committee are subject to the provisions of <br />Section 286.011, Florida Statutes. The Committee may make recommendations to <br />the four (4) Boards of County Commissioners as to whether to adopt, not adopt, or <br />amend the proposed budget. The Committee shall complete its deliberations by June <br />1" of each year. <br />2. Section 1B "PROCEDURE TO REVIEW AND APPROVE THE COURT <br />ADMINISTRATION" is amended to read as follows: <br />B. The proposed budget shall then be presented to each of the four (4) <br />Boards of County Commissioners for consideration during the Boards' normal <br />budgetary process. The proposed budget shall be subject to the approval of each of <br />the four (4) Boards of County of County Commissioners. The Counties agree that <br />the proposed budget may not be increased without the consent of all four (4) <br />counties. The Counties agree to comply with the requirements of Section 29.008, <br />Fla. Stat. (as may thereafter be amended) concerning the proposed budget. <br />- - • - : _- - ; - ommissioncrs cannot reduce <br />the budget below thc required increase pursuant to Section 29.008, Florida Statutes; <br />however, if the requested budget increase is higher than thc amount rc•uircd b <br />Florida Statutes, it is at thc discretion of each Board to determine whether to fund <br />any or all of the incr asc over thc statutory amount. <br />pursuant to Section 2 • e e :, - . - - - - - - • - - - - <br />h'ghcr than the recording fees revenue thc four ('i) counties Board have to agree <br />to fund thc shortfall from other funding sources as mandated by Section 29.008. If <br />any of the four (4) Boards of County Commissioners <br />amends <br />the proposed total budget, in accordance with Section 29.008, that Board should <br />adopt the amended total budget and notify the Chief Judge and Court Administrator, <br />and other counties of the action taken on the budget within ten (10) days. <br />The amended total budget, if reduced by one (1) or more of the counties, shall <br />be deemed to be the approved budget by all four (4) counties. The Counties <br />acknowledge that the effect of this section will be that any of the four (4) Boards of <br />County Commissioners may reduce the total budget related to local requirements or <br />non -mandated expenditures without the consent of the other counties and that the <br />lowest approved total budget shall be deemed to be the total budget approved by <br />the Counties. Budgets approved by each County should reflect the amount they are <br />2 <br />S:\ATY\AGREEMN1'\INTERLOC\COURT FUNDING lA (2:3-15) <br />