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additional items as surplus that were not included on the <br />surplus list of August 5, 2003, as recommended in the <br />memorandum. <br />7.J. BID #6025 —CHILLER REPLACEMENT FOR <br />ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AND APPROPRIATION OF <br />ADDITIONAL FUNDING - MID -,STATE MECHANICAL OF <br />VERO BEACH <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Adams, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Ginn, the Board unanimously awarded Bid <br />46025 to Mid -State Mechanical of Vero Beach, Inc., as the <br />lowest and most responsive bidder meeting the specifications <br />as set out in the Invitation to Bid, with the bid deduct of <br />$10,000.00 for the Chiller with an EER rating of 9.8, for a <br />total bid of $185,413.00, and approved appropriation of an <br />additional $19,313.00 to provide a total of $185,413.00, as <br />recommended in the memorandum. <br />7.K. OLD DOUGLASS SCHOOL CAFETORIUMHVA C <br />(HEATING AND VENTILATION AIR CONDITIONING) <br />CONTRA CT — HVA C MECHANICAL, INC. (BID #6015) <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Adams, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Ginn, the Board unanimously approved the <br />Agreement with HVAC Mechanical Inc., and authorized the <br />Chairman to execute same once the agreement has been <br />executed by HVAC Mechanical, Inc. and the County Attorney <br />has approved the agreement along with appropriate bonds, as <br />recommended in the memorandum. <br />OCTOBER 14, 2003 7 <br />