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ON MOTION by Commissioner Adams, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Ginn, the Board unanimously made the above <br />changes to the Agenda. <br />5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS <br />S.A. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING <br />OCTOBER 19-25,2003 AS CHARACTER COUNTS! WEEK <br />Commissioner Ginn read and presented the following Proclamation to Eleanor <br />Simmons and Carol Johnson of the Care for Council on Aging: <br />Eleanor Simmons accepted the proclamation on behalf of their Chairman Judge <br />Joe Wild, and their members and thanked the Board for this recognition as Character Counts! <br />Week. <br />Carol Johnson is handing out some desk cards as a daily reminder which they <br />hope will leave some good impressions. <br />Chairman Macht commented the citizens in attendance at the Board meetings <br />always remind the Board of their responsibilities. <br />S.B. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION HONORING COACH <br />BILLYLIVINGS (VERO BEA CH HIGH SCHOOL) ON HIS <br />300TH VICTORY <br />Commissioner Lowther read and presented the following Proclamation to Coach <br />Livings and his wife, Rosemary. <br />Coach Billy Livings gratefully accepted the proclamation, made a few jovial <br />comments and invited everyone to come out to see a game. <br />5.C. JOINT PRESENTATION BY COUNTYRECREATION <br />DEPARTMENT AND POINTE WEST —"SCREEN ON THE <br />GREEN" <br />OCTOBER 14, 2003 2 <br />