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PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Warren Winchester, 1845 Tarpon Lane, a taxpayer of both the City and County, <br />provided a brief history on the City of Vero Beach's Wastewater Treatment Plant and its <br />environs, and made observations regarding the consequences of eliminating the Plant. He noted <br />that debt was involved and pointed out that the County would have to purchase infrastructure <br />from the City of Vero Beach if the franchise is not renewed. He thereafter asked the legislators <br />to consider all the repercussions of consolidation. <br />Mark Mucher, Indian Lilac Road, encouraged the legislators to have staff target an <br />in-depth scope of work for the consultant. He thereafter elaborated upon his request for the <br />legislators to consider wastewater separately, before potable and irrigation water services. <br />Dr. Stephen Faherty, 2120 Captains Walk, believed that there was a lot of <br />misinformation and misrepresentation of issues which should be a focus of the consultant. He <br />noted that it was important to obtain independent legal advice as to the ownership of the <br />infrastructure, and suggested that such a provision be included in the Request for Qualifications <br />(RFQ). <br />Chairman Davis believed that the legal advice mentioned by Dr. Faherty would be <br />required only if a dispute arises as to the ownership of the infrastructure. <br />VII. ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 9:50 <br />12 <br />a.m. <br />October 15, 2009 <br />Joint Meeting/Water/Sewer <br />