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He highlighted Policy 1.26 that is being recommended for deletion, stating <br />that it is a policy that aims to promote mixed-use development within the County, but has <br />been overall, ineffective; hence staff's recommendation for deletion of this policy, and <br />that there be new policies established, which will be discussed under Objectives 5 and 18. <br />Looking at other existing policies being proposed for revision, Mr. <br />Freeman highlighted Policies 1.34 and 1.35. Both relate to the County's New Town <br />Policy that affects the agricultural areas of the County. The changes recommended are to <br />increase the density within New Town areas from 1 to 2 units per acre and also to limit <br />the overall number of New Towns that could be developed within the County. The last <br />change recommended is that New Towns be prohibited in the Agricultural -3 areas, which <br />is the westernmost portion of the County. He also highlighted other proposed changes to <br />Objective 1. <br />Objective 4: "Efficient Mix of Uses to Reduce Traffic Demand" (it is <br />anticipated staff will not achieve this objective): staff recommended a revision of the <br />objective's target date to 2030 and to target within 10% of 2005 levels for per capita trips <br />and minutes per trip. There are 4 existing policies in this Objective, and it is <br />recommended that 1 be maintained, 3 be revised, and the 3 new policies being proposed, <br />are to limit dead-end streets, increase inter -connections between adjacent developments <br />where appropriate, and to promote the use of traffic calming measures where necessary. <br />An increase in the construction of sidewalks, particularly in residential areas, was also <br />recommended. <br />Objective 5: "Diversity of Development" (it is anticipated that the County <br />will not achieve this Objective). Staff's recommendation: a revision of the objective's <br />target date to 2010 and to target within 25% of the County's housing units in either multi- <br />family or traditional neighborhood design projects. There are 8 existing policies in this <br />October 20, 2008 <br />Public Workshop <br />