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Director Boling responded to Commissioner Flescher's concern regarding how <br />Recommendation No. 7, "... cumulative impacts from existing, approved, and proposed mining <br />projects and excavations in the vicinity..." would affect existing projects. <br />The Chairman opened the floor to public comments on Recommendation Nos. 1-7. <br />Charles Cramer, 10729 U.S. 1, disagreed that hydrologists might slant their <br />reports in favor of their client. He related that many of Recommendations Nos. 1 through 7 were <br />directly reflective of the St. John's River Water Management District's (SJRWMD) rules, and <br />suggested that the County should align with the SJRWMD; otherwise miners would be trying to <br />satisfy multiple engineering studies. <br />George Hamner, Chairman PZC, noted that the County and PZC want to see the <br />hydrology reports, and then because the County does not have an expert, allow SJRWMD to be <br />the ruling factor. Mr. Hamner recommended that the Board put monitoring wells on County <br />property, to provide protection from surrounding areas. He also reminded the Board that the <br />mining complaints have been on truck traffic, not hydrology. <br />Chuck Cramer wanted the LDR's to reflect that not all mines were going to be <br />dewatering mines. <br />Commissioner Flescher wanted to know why, under Recommendation No. 7, it <br />was necessary to have a seismic profile of the area beneath the project site. <br />Mr. Hamner explained that when sand mines are dug, the rock may become <br />elevated and cause a fissure, which could cause contamination of the Florida Aquifer by surface <br />water. He clarified that the requirements stipulated individual hydrological studies for individual <br />mines, but the seismic study would be done County -wide, similar to a soil map. <br />4 <br />October 6, 2008 <br />