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<br /> The Chairman opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard with regard <br />to this matter. <br /> <br />Kay White Hanson <br /> from the Lakes of Pointe West stated that she discovered the signs <br />advertising the proposed rezoning in a ditch while riding her bike last Friday and that was the first <br />time she had notice of the action. She questioned whether the developer could technically have 6 <br />apartment buildings on each acre, and Director Keating responded that there could be as many as <br />6 units per acre with a height limit of 35 feet, so they could be 3-story buildings. <br /> Ms. Hanson stated that she would not object to a development such as Cambridge Park <br />which is very low with a lot of trees but apartment buildings should not be allowed. Pointe West is <br />like a small town with not too much density and lots of green space where it is safe to ride bicycles. <br /> Apartment buildings would have a very big impact on the traffic and on the ecology in the area. <br />Even at Pointe West most people seem to want single-family homes. <br /> Chairman Macht clarified that 6 units per acre would be 6 dwelling units, or 6 apartments, <br />not 6 buildings. <br /> Commissioner Adams explained that would be approximately the same number of persons <br />as single-family households, with the same number of traffic trips per day, with the advantage being <br />that there would be more open space because the dwelling would be limited to one building. There <br />are good and bad aspects to everything. <br /> <br />Brian Heady, <br /> Vero Beach, stated that the number one industry in the County is tourism and <br />the number two industry is agriculture and that paving over the agricultural land is not a good idea. <br /> <br /> <br /> The Chairman asked if anyone else wished to be heard regarding this matter. There being <br />none, the Chairman closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />OCTOBER 7, 2003 13 <br /> <br />