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C. PRESENTATION BY DR. EDWIN MASSEY. PRESIDENT. INDL4N RIVER <br />STATE COLLEGE <br />Dr. Edwin Massey, thanked the Board for its support and through a PowerPoint <br />Presentation announced that the Indian River Community College is now named "Indian River <br />State College", and are continuing with all in-house programs. He gave a brief history of the <br />employment status of the College; outlined the educational history and future goals; highlighted <br />the graduate count and number of colleges throughout the State; and disclosed the amount <br />granted in financial aid. He also announced that they are a registered and accredited College, <br />now offering four-year Bachelor's Degree programs. <br />Chairman Bowden thanked the College for its leadership in this community and <br />throughout the State, while Commissioner O'Bryan, commenting on the parking issue, disclosed <br />that our MPO staff Phil Matson, was working on a Grant for our transit system to fund a route <br />that would connect the Indian River campus to the main campus. <br />6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />A. REGULAR MEETING OFAUGUST 12.2008 <br />The Chairman asked if there were any additions, deletions or corrections to the <br />Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 12, 2008. There were none. <br />ON MOTION by Vice Chairman Davis, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner O'Bryan, the Board unanimously <br />approved the Minutes of the regular meeting of August <br />12, 2008, as written. <br />October 7, 2008 3 <br />