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13.E. COMMISSIONER THOMAS S. LOWTHER – FLORIDA <br />RIDGE HOUSE - THREE BROTHERS AND A SISTER, LLC <br />Commissioner Lowther had been given some photos of the “historical house” <br />recently moved to Florida Ridge. (Photos placed on file with the backup in the Office of the Clerk <br />to the Board.) Neighbors were concerned the house could be a health hazard, believed it would <br />take several months before it could be brought to code, and wanted it to be fenced to keep children <br />away from it. Commissioner Lowther thought the Board might have made a mistake in this matter <br />by not requiring a performance bond. <br />Commissioner Davis agreed that the performance bond requirements should come <br />back for reconsideration. There is no longer a mechanism in place since the Board changed the <br />regulations. He hoped this situation would improve for the neighbors. <br />County Attorney Collins advised that the owners of the house have 12 months to <br />bring it to code. <br />Community Development Director Bob Keating suggested the owners address the <br />Commissioners’ concerns. <br />thth <br />Robert Hamner, , Scott Dillon, <br />915 58 Avenueand 16- 46 Avenue, appeared as <br />owners of the house that had been moved to Florida Ridge. They recounted that the house, built in <br />1917, was moved to the property for use as affordable housing. They showed a sketch of how they <br />believed the house would look after work is completed on it. (This sketch is on file in the Office of <br />the Clerk to the Board.) They described some of the difficulties they have encountered at the new <br />location since November 15, 2005. When issued, the permit allowed them 12 months to bring it to <br />code, but they expected to have this house completed within 2 months. Because the neighbors <br />objected, the house will not be elevated as originally planned. They advised of the work still <br />needed and said they are doing it on a “shoestring budget”. They do not want to disturb the <br />neighbors; they just want to get it completed so they can rent it. They offered to put up a fence if <br />the neighbors want one. <br />January 10, 2006 17 <br /> <br />