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dollar that it pays in Palm Beach County. The other seventy-five cents that the agricultural <br />community is paying goes towards subsidizing and supporting the urban service area. When you <br />start turning that around the urban service area is going to have to start paying more of its share and <br />the agricultural community is the one that paid for the basis that is in the urban service area in the <br />first place. He felt positive that the same situation exists in our county, which is a very frustrating <br />situation. <br />Andy Bowler, resident of South County and Executive Director of Indian River Habitat <br />for Humanity and tried to bestow a concept of what the need is for affordable housing. His <br />concern is if we use controlled growth measures it is going to have a negative impact on affordable <br />housing. We should make sure that large developers are required to set aside 5% or 10% for <br />affordable housing or set aside a land bank. <br />Commissioner Davis asked the Growth Awareness Committee to address this issue. <br />Joseph Paladin said they did have affordable housing on their agenda, but with the way <br />the price of land has climbed it is hard to find land in the affordable market. <br />Bruce Barkett believes if you allow urban sprawl eventually agriculture will be put out of <br />business. He suggested increasing density inside the urban service area. <br />Allen Green, 8030 98th Avenue, does not agree with putting high-density modules all over <br />the county. He does not want to stop growth, but he thinks we can control it and put density closer <br />to the urban service area. He was in favor of seeing more county initiatives with commercial <br />development and not allowing them to build out to the maximum. <br />Commissioner Lowther commended Mr. Paladin for taking on this task. He felt that they <br />have the direction that they need and that they need to do this more often. <br />Donna Keys representing the Planning & Zoning Commission said she thinks they are <br />going to see this come forward with a lot of cooperation from every side and hoped that they can <br />work out something to make this county what we want it to be in the year 2020 or 2030. <br />January 12, 2005 6 <br />