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Commissioner Ginn felt grandfathering existing retreats may limit their ability to <br />expand if they have to meet other criteria. She also felt the proposed requirements needed <br />to be consolidated, otherwise it would be difficult to design future projects. <br />Commissioner Neuberger queried if there had been any complaints and, there being <br />none, did not see a strong need for amendments. <br />Commissioner Adams suggested looking in detail at use and impact on the neighbors <br />and simplifying the requirements. <br />Chairman Macht agreed to consider the uses and also the time of origin. <br />The Chairman opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard <br />with regard to this matter. <br />Jack Islep, 2265 55'h Square, Vero Beach, Executive Director of Christian <br />Outreach International, commented they have a retreat center in the Czech Republic. He <br />said there is a definite difference between camps and retreats. Camps are for young people <br />and retreats are usually spiritual. Each has a very different operation. It would be costly to <br />provide 40 acres for a retreat that does not produce great revenue, yet is very beneficial. <br />A retreat run by nuns in Palm Beach County is on 10 acres and is open to everyone. Duncan <br />Conference Center in Delray is an Episcopalian Retreat Center on 5 acres. It is a beautiful <br />facility. Around the country there are many retreats in operation on less than 40 acres which <br />still function very well. He felt 85% open space is a lot. <br />John Dean, 2223 10th Avenue, Vero Beach, and Architect for Christian Outreach, <br />was representing them and was also there for the benefit of the two new Commissioners and <br />the people who will come in the future. He felt neither proposal was perfect. In the future <br />we will be seeing smaller retreat centers. The Professional Services Advisory Committee <br />proposal reflected retreats that are of various sizes and the Land Development Regulations <br />do not need to be so stringent. This has a big impact on the community and he felt this is not <br />the path we want to encourage for this activity in our county. (Mr. Dean provided a handout <br />entitled "Retreats Come In All Sizes and Shapes" which has been filed with the backup from <br />this meeting.) <br />JANUARY 14, 2003 8 <br />
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