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4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA/EMERGENCY ITEMS <br />Chairman Wheeler requested an emergency item be added to the agenda to discuss the <br />Commissioners' office Executive Aide Kim Massung. Vice Chair Bowden was opposed to his <br />request wanting more information. Chairman Wheeler stated that they are in the "Sunshine" Law <br />and he said the public has a right to know that Kim Massung was considering resigning, and <br />wanted to ask the Board for a vote of confidence on her behalf Vice Chair Bowden commented <br />that the Chairman might be getting into litigation, that it was an issue, and she wanted to know if <br />the others were aware of this. The Chairman was not aware of any litigation and since he did not <br />have a unanimous vote, he called for a "Special Call" meeting immediately following the Board <br />meeting to discuss this matter. <br />5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS <br />5.A. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION HONORING TANHUM <br />GOLDSHMID ON HIS RETIREMENT FROM INDIAN RIVER COUNTY SOLID <br />WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT EFFECTIVE .JANUARY 19, 2007 <br />Chairman Wheeler read and presented the Proclamation to Tanhum Goldshmid. <br />6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - NONE <br />7. CONSENT AGENDA <br />Commissioner O'Bryan requested Item 7.N be pulled for discussion. <br />January 16, 2007 2 <br />